Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Lady Gaga's Interview with Barbara Walters

I love this woman. Hottest chick in the game right now, without a doubt. I have to admit though, I haven't been listening to her album that much since Rihanna's Rated R has been occupying all of my listening time (yes, I love her album THAT much). I'm going to give The Fame: Monster a couple of more listens this weekend before I make my final judgment. According to Ms. Gaga, she's going to released another three or four singles off the album, so if 2009 was any indication, get ready for Gaga in 2010 because she's going in!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Rihanna Wants to Put Tila Tequila & Tiffany Evans on Mute

Uh oh, it's about to get ugly. Click here to see what I'm talking about.

And the girls have already responded:

Tiffany Evans:

Ever statements I made about the industry was not geared towards Rihanna in any type of way. What I said about RussianR was blown way out &

I have never said any of the things these blogsites have said that I said such as her being a devil worskshipper,RR being satanic and all of

The other nonsense,that came along with it.So being a human I would be offended if someone had said those things about me,especially if it's

Not true.Even though some of you may take me as a kid...I am not and I do not participate in childish things.Everyone around me knows that.

So to Rihanna as young woman with total respect I apologize for the huge misunderstanding.

In this industry thing are always misunderstood or taken way out of context. So relax,this type of "ish" always happens.

Oh one more thing, about her calling me out with remote thing on Big Boi. LOL I thought it was funny. Too bad I can SANG! Lmao.

Who the hell is Tiffany Evans? That Promise Ring chick? Word.

Tila Tequila:
Well, Well, Well, What do we have here today? Wow!!!!!

So I woke up early this morning because I have to get ready to pack to catch an early flight out of town , and I get a google alert with my name with Rihanna! So of course, I was interested on what the hell would Rihanna have to say about ME??? ME?? Really Rihanna?? Ok...but anyway before I actually read what she had to say about me, my first reaction was,

"Awww how cool! Rihanna is talking about me! She must be talking about how more women who have been in Domestic Violence cases should really support one another!"

I only thought she might have said something like that because recently TMZ asked me about Rihanna and I said that I have nothing against her but that it would send out a nice message if she could speak out about her case and give other victims more hope & feel like they are not alone. I said that in a good intention....but ANYWAYYYYY......I was wrong. Rihanna acutally said the total opposite! Sooooo in that case, You guys know me well by now, and you KNOW, that once somebody s with me of gets on my shitlist, You will NOT be hearing the end of me! TRUST!

Rihanna did an interview at a huge LA local radio station, Big Boy and the Morning Show, and had this to say about me (I tried to embed the MP3 Player here but It wasn't working so here is link to it:


SO after I listed to Rihanna bad mouthing me, my first reaction was "WOW! WHAT A BITCH! AND A TOTAL LIAR! WOWWWW!"

But this is not the reason for me blogging about her. I'm not upset that she would give me some free press talking about me on the radio, so thanks RiRi for shouting me out! =)

No, the reason I am GOING INNNNN on her and about to tell the world her DIRTY LITTLE SECRET(told from sources close to Rihanna's camp), is because she knows there's been a lot of controversy about me being "Allergic to Alcohol" but at this point, who the cares! SO here we go.


RiRi....babygirl....First of all, I have NEVER been to ANY AMA Award why are you lying about that? However, I DO remember seeing you at the MTV MUSIC AWARDS, so maybe that's the one you were talking about, but who knows, you probably don't remember because you're so full of yourself and always drunk so I don't blame u for getting confused.

Second of all, you said that you saw me backstage with a drink in my hand? Wow, Im shocked! Cuz from what I can recall, you were so busy being a DIVA backstage and being SO RUDE TO EVERYONE, with your 10 people entourage and Security guards, having people run back and fourth driving them mad, with all your diva and rude behavior! Acting as though you were the biggest star at the MTV MUSIC AWARDS! And as for me? Yes, of course I am no where near you as far as musical Success, and I give u Props for that. I even liked a few of your songs like "Disturbia" and thought your live performance was pretty sexy, even though you sing REALLY OFF KEY when u sing live, but at least you're not lip-singing! Props for that! So back to what I was saying, U said u saw me backstage with a drink in my hand? First of all, how do u know it wasn't just a coca cola?? Majority of my fans KNOW, that I LOVE grape soda, coca cola, and sunkist sodas. So yes, I had I drink in my hand and it was a coca cola. But WTF does that have to do with you?? U were so busy backstage being such a diva, one of your security guards almost pushed me and my manager over just cuz you were walking by! WOW!!!!!!! RUDE! & who are you to condemn anyone for drinking when ur drunk ass is out everynight wasted. Such as these photos, some of thousands of you drunk....but do u see me ever making remarks about u being wasted before? NOPE! So whatever ...

So here comes the good part. You want to get on my shitlist? Well congrats hunny, you have officially made it on my shitlist & this is what close sources has told me:


Wow, I'm sorry girlfriend, but you were cool until u decided to open up your mouth about me so I have no choice. Everyone in the entertainment industry knows, you just do not with Tila Tequila and think you can get away with it! Even Perez Hilton knows that(that's another inside story I have about him & myself, but I will post about that in another blog).

So everyone, yes.....I heard from legit sources, that is the HUGE SECRET our prestine, perfect little Princess RiRi, the "IDOL" has been hiding from the media. A very close source of mine, who works in the same legal camp as Rihanna, has told me that the reason why Rihanna wasn't speaking out about the CHRIS BROWN incident is because there was a catch 22 in it. Rihanna has herpes, and....well......I don't wanna put anyone else on blast, but Rihanna has herpes and gave someone else herpes that she had slept with.


So while you cascade around town, acting like yo shit don't stink, and leading the media and your fans into thinking that you are a strong woman, and idol,'s a shame you had to trick them into thinking you are, because truth is, you're ruining other people's lives, infecting people with your STD's, and walking around getting praised and loving the sympathy, when really, in real life you are just a major who could give 2 shits about your fans and all the people who have been supporting you! Including myself! You dont even acknowledge your fans, you know, the people who got you famous??? Yes....those people. THE FANS! The ones that I, myself, acknowledge 247 all the time because if it weren't for my fans, I would not be here today! I love my fans, I don't lie to my fans to make them like me more, and everyone knows it. I have my flaws, but I put it out there, and I let my fans decide on whether they agree with the things I do or not. Im real, and I don't care what anyone has to say about me. All I do is mind my own business, and play with my fans.

But since you're still cascading around town like you're a prefect little princess, angel.....honey I hate to burst your bubbles.....but yes....yo shit really do stink, and even worse.....yo shit has STD's, known as HERPES, down in your private area.

So.....that's about it. Sorry I had to tell the world your DIRTY SECRET, but you left me no choice girlfriend. I knew about your secret for A VERY LONG TIME, but I never told anyone because that was not my business......but since you wanna play dirty with best believe I will give it to you good girlfriend! POW!

Rihanna has STD's and Herpes everyone! & that is the truth from my legit source that has told me. YIKES! So boys, be careful when u wanna tap that ass, cuz that ass will give your dick Herpes if you dont put 3 condoms over it! EWWW!



Ms. Tila-You-Don't-Fuck-With-Me-Tequila

PS-yes, I understand you have a MASSIVELY powerful team behind you such as JAY-Z and all those guys so you feel safe & keep cascading around town knowing that everything wrong you do, will be covered up. I give u props for having such a great PR FIRM. U see? This sucks that I had to call you out cuz now Jay-Z, Kanye, Beyonce or whoever else is on your team is gonna hate me, and that sucks cuz I LOVEEEEE Jay-Z and Beyonce! They are my heros! But I am willing to sacrifice them hating me now because of what you did. I need to be honest and stay true to who I am, and stay real with my fans.

Whoa, too long to read. My question is, is it that serious?

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but you have to be ready for the consequences when you say things that might offend somebody. I personally don't see anything wrong with what Rihanna said. Tila and Tiffany have been talking crap about her, and she felt the need to address it. Most of us would've done the same shit or worse. The only problem is that the girls are D-List celebrities and she probably would've been better off not even entertaining the argument. A simple "Tiffany who?" would've been more effective. But hey, who am I to say how you should respond to someone talking crap about you. Do you girl.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

New York Gay Marriage Bill Rejected

New York lawmakers rejected a bill Wednesday that would have made their state the sixth to allow gay marriage, disheartening advocates already stung by a similar decision by Maine voters just last month.

The New York measure failed by a wider margin than expected, falling 12 votes short in a 24-38 decision by the state Senate. The Assembly had earlier approved the bill, and Gov. David Paterson, perhaps the bill's strongest advocate, had pledged to sign it... [x]

SMH. We shouldn't even be having this debate at this day & age. It's a damn shame that in 2009 we are still fighting to have the same rights as everyone else. *sighs* I guess this is just another obstacle that we shall soon overcome. I hope that in my lifetime, I get to see equality for all in the United States of America.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Rihanna's Interview on Hot 97

Say what you want, but I'm in love with this woman. Yea, she's not the best singer (or dancer or performer, for that matter) in the world but she creates great music & is intriguing enough to make me like her. I am in love with her new album Rated R. The girl is stepping it up, little by little. The interview is cute & I love her sense of humor. Though I must say, I don't think she was completely honest when she said she doesn't like girls, though she "entertains them." Hehe.