Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I'm Not Dead

What's really good everybody? I hope you are all enjoying your summer -> I definitely am. I've been extremely busy working, trying to save money (not really working) and just trying to enjoy myself for once. Everything is going pretty well. Relationship with the boyfriend is going on five months (who would've thought?) and I'm very much in love.

I'm still a month and a half a way from updating this blog as often as I did (daily). I'm sorry I stopped posting w/o notice. School finished in May and with that so did my internet connection. I'll be back at school the last of August so don't worry, oO itz sant0's blog is coming back revamped and in full power. I'll be posting about once a week from my sidekick until then. Don't stray to far, i'll be around. Stay safe. Be easy. =)

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