Friday, September 25, 2009

Alicia Key's New Album

.. will be titled The Element of Freedom and it is scheduled for a December 1 release.

I like the album title, but what the hell does an album title mean nowadays? It's all about the content. And while Alicia Keys has delivered quality albums before (Diary of Alicia Keys), her last effort, in my opinion, was a big disappointment. Hopefully this new album doesn't follow the same fate. And surprisingly so, her new single, Doesn't Mean Anything, has grown on me tremendously. I'm excited for this new project and hopefully Ms. Keys won't disappoint.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tyra Show: Gay Exorcism

Please be warned that some of the content featured on this video is extremely upsetting, ignorant and frustrating. It's hard for me to watch things like this because I, for one, am not going waste my time trying to comprehend someone else's ignorance. It's unbelievable how contradicting and hypocritical some religious people can be. Shit like this, breaks my heart. Ah...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Pink's New DVD & New Single

The DVD will be released sometime in October. I'll be seeing her live on October 5th at the Madison Square Garden. Hopefully, I'm allowed to take some photos.

In other Pink news, I Don't Believe You is set to be the next single off her platinum album, Funhouse. The video, which Pink described as "beautiful & painful," was shot this week by Cole Walliser. I'm probably in the minority, but I personally LOVE the song and I'm 100% happy about it being the next single. One of the things I like about Pink is the fact that she constantly switches things up. While the song might not perform as well (on the charts) as some of the uptempos featured on the album, I have no doubt in my mind that the video will be artistic and powerful and show us yet another layer in the ever-changing talent, known as Pink.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Meet Photographer Rober Ector

Name: Robert Ector
Age: 23
Location: Atlanta/New York/Los Angeles
Website: [Under Construction]

Meet Robert Ector. He's photographed many of your favorite celebs & top models, has had his work featured on Essence Magazine and BET and most impressively, has one of the industry's most talented photographers as his mentor (Derek Blanks). Check out this exclusive interview I had with the up & coming 23-year-old Atlanta photographer who's about to take the industry by storm.

Tell the readers a little bit about yourself, how did you get started and what exactly is it that you do.

I'm a 23 year old male born and semi-raised in Cleveland, Ohio. I am a photographer.

You were originally known as MOS Photography photography, now you're Robert Ector. Why the name change?

I initially started using that name when I was 17 years old. I was still wet behind the ears and knew very little about business. I then met a well known publicist years later who told me that I had a great birth name and that I needed to brand it. Shortly after, I started going by Robert Ector Photography.

I know you have a very talented team that helps you with your work. Tell us about them.

Ive been very blessed to work with some of the industries best artist. Some of them include makeup artist: Terrel Mullins (Nia Long, Eva Pigford), Saisha Beecham (Usher, Ciara), Reggie Dowdey (Keyshia Cole), Latasha Wright, Para Thomas, Toni Acey. Hair Stylist: Val Hamilton (Kerry Washington, Mary J. Blige) and Lee Barnes. I have not worked with many wardrobe stylist, because this whole journey has been one with my sister, Leah Taylor. She does 90% of my wardrobe, and plays a big part in my success!

How did you get your internship with photographer Derek Blanks?

I don't remember how it even happened, but one day I came across a photographer's website. It was Derek Blanks. This had to be about 3 years ago.

I thought his work was on a another level. I emailed him and asked to shadow him one day. I was not expecting a response, but he wrote me back and said I could come in anytime. That surprised me, because I thought to myself, "Why would he let me work with him"? Like a lot of people, I doubted myself and even though people had told me that my work was good and that I was talented, something was holding me back, so surprisingly, I never showed up.

I kicked myself for a whole year saying how I messed up. I gave it another try and emailed him again. This time he said all of his intern positions were filled. So at that point, I gave it up and just looked at it as a lost. Six months later, I received a Myspace message from Derek. He said he had somehow came across my page and liked my editing. He then said that he did not want to offend me, but wanted to know if I would mind doing some photo editing for him. I thought to myself, this could not be real, because there was no way that I could be offended.

After we finally met, he said he had no idea I was the same guy who had emailed him twice. So that was all God.

How is it working with Derek Blanks?

It's great. He is a good guy and like a brother. I owe a lot of my knowledge of photography to him. When people ask me what school I went to, I always joke and say Derek Blanks University!

Who inspires you?

A lot of people and things inspire me. Most would have to be my family. We all work hand and hand and try to inspire each other for the better.

How did you get your "big break"?

My "big break" was the first time I had ever shot a celebrity. That celebrity was Teairra Marie and this was back in 2005 when she had just got signed to Roc-A-Fella Records and was crowned the Princess Of The Roc. The photos were used for a magazine and a lot of people liked them.

What would you be doing (as a career) if you weren't photographing?

If I were not a photographer, I would be doing one of two things for sure. I have always liked children and teach at a photography summer camp every year. I have also always been fascinated with forensics and crime. So I would not mind being a Homicide Detective as well. I know teacher and Homicide detective do not coincide, but we would make it work.

Nikon or Canon?

Definitely Canon. No doubt about it.

Digital or film? Black & white or color?

I shoot digital. I learned how to develop film in school, but I hardly do it nowadays. When you develop in a dark room, it’s a beautiful thing though. As far as black and white or color; it really depends on what the image is. They both are great.

How would you describe your work?

I’m young, so I always like to incorporate youth into my work. You can always tell a photographers age, by his work. I like to mix that in with great moody clean lighting.

Who are some of your favorite photographers?

Some of my favorite photographers are Derek Blanks, David LaChapelle, Steven Klein and Gavin O’Neil. They are all top notch artist.

What's your favorite shoot you've done?

My favorite shoot would have to be a shoot I did with Eva Pigford and Lance Gross. We shot on a weekend and they were going to announce their engagement to the world on that Monday so they wanted some new pictures. We shot at their home and had some really beautiful images. Essence Magazine later ran them.

Of all the people you've worked with thus far, who was the friendliest? Most diva?

The coolest person I ever met was 50 Cent. I couldn’t believe how cool and down to earth he was. He was talking to us like we were homeboys for years. Fortunately, I have not run into any divas. Everyone I have worked with and been around have been very good people.

If you could photograph any three celebrities you wanted, who would they be & why?

My first celebrity would be Halle Berry. She is beautiful and I know without a doubt she could kill a beauty story. Next on my list would be Jay Z. He's always been a huge inspiration to me and his photos are always so controlled, that I would like to get some motion out of him. We could do something edgier than he's ever done before. Last would have to be his wife Beyonce, you know what? Some nice couple photos of them. There is none out and I wouldn’t mind being the first guy to ever photograph them as a couple.

As a photographer, what do you think of the industry right now?

It's very competitive. But I think that it's just like any other industry. At the end of the day, your talent and personality is what will bring you work. Nothing else, nothing more.

What's the hardest thing about being a photographer?

The hardest thing is not having a "down day". With most jobs, if you’re not feeling that well or just fell like relaxing, you can come in to work and slack off. With photography, no matter how you are feeling, your client is expecting the best shot possible. Each frame has to be great.

What is your greatest fear?

I don't have many, and especially none dealing with my job.

What is your biggest goal?
I would like to have my work published in some of the greatest magazines.

What's coming up for Robert Ector?

Next for me is a lot. My sister and I just opened our own photography studio a few months back. It’s been going great. It’s called Taylor-Ector Studios and we offer everything. It’s a one stop shop. Where fashion, beauty and photography collide.

10 years from now, Rober Ector...

.. will be 33. [Laughs] I chose not to set long term goals, because you only set yourself up for failure. I do not put a time limit or age on my greatness. What God has for me, will be for me wether it's 10 years from now or 20.

Any advice for up & coming photographers?

Find a great mentor or internship and take advantage of it. You have to make it what you want it to be. I interned with Derek Blanks for almost 2 years and learned a lot and met a lot of great people. Take advantage of what God puts in front of you.

Any last words.

My new website is under construction, but be sure to keep checking back for updates, Until then, you can check out my work at or on

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Raphael by Lee Studios

Check out these photos which were taken by my boy Mr. Lee Studios. I was at a shoot he did in the summer and boy oh boy is the man talented. Check out his new blog here.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Caliente o Frio: Harol Baez

Check out this shoot (appropriately titled Booty Shop) which was shot by one of my favorite photographers, Justin Monroe, and features the sexy ass up & coming Dominican model, Harol Baez. Hot or not?


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Keri Hilson's "Slow Dance" Video

I love the song but the video was just a big yawn fest for me. Womp womp.

Beyonce Performs "Diva" At Jay-Z Concert

I ♥ this chick. I can't wait to see her perform tonight at the VMAs.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Chace Crawford's "Wonderland" Magazine Editorial


Pretty impressive. I didn't know he had it in him.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Except from Tom Perrotta's "Little Children"

"Did anybody like this book?" Mary Ann screwed her face up into the look of offended disapproval Sarah knew so well. "Because I really just hated it. I mean, isn't it kind of depressing? She cheats on her husband with two different guys, wastes all his money, the kills herself with rat poison. It's a waste of time and it's depressing."

"It's supposed to be depressing," Josephine pointed out. "It's a tragedy. Emma's undone by a tragic flaw."

"What's her flaw?" Bridget inquired.

"Blindness," Josephine replied. "She can't see that the men are just using her."

"I found it refreshing to read about a woman reclaiming her sexuality," Alice said.

"She's a slut," Mary Ann revealed.

Then Sarah spoke.

"I'm tempted to say that in her own strange way, Emma Bovary... is a feminist. She's trapped. She can either accept a life of misery or struggle against it. She chooses to struggle."

"some struggle," said Mary Ann. "Jump in bed with every guy that says hello."

"She fails in the end," Sarah conceded. "But there's something beautiful and heroic in her rebellion."

"How convenient," observed Mary Ann. "So now cheating on your husband makes you a feminist."

"It's not the cheating. It's the hunger for an alternative. The refusal to accept unhappiness. Mada Bovary's problem wasn't that she committed adultery," Sarah declared, in a voice full of calm certainty. "It was that she committed adultery with losers. She never found a partner worthy of her heroic passion."

Ugh. Brilliant.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

New Trey Songz Photo Shoot


I absolutely love this shoot. Trey is working it! The man just oozes sexuality.