Friday, January 22, 2010

If You're In Need of a Few Laughs...

LMAO, these videos never fail to make laugh. And on that note, I'm done for tonight. You folks have a good night!

A Possiblity

I was afraid of wanting anything. I figured wanting would lead to trying and trying would lead to failure. But now I find, I can't stop wanting. I want to surprise myself. I want to lose and get over it. I want to define myself, instead of others defining me. I want to win. I want to be the best person I can be. I want to not be afraid of the unknown. It's not that I think I I'm going to get all these things, I just want the possibility of getting them; the possibility that things are going to change.

- Friday Night Lights

John Mayer's "Rollingstone" Magazine Spread

The 32-year-old singer-guitarist admits he prefers Continuum to his 2009 disc Battle Studies (”I know that I’m supposed to say that my newest is the best one. Bullshit,” he says), that he hasn’t stopped thinking about his split with ex-girlfriend Jennifer Aniston (”I’ve never really gotten over it. It was one of the worst times of my life”) and that his sex life has become an endless loop of new girls rejecting him in clubs (”Blowing me off is the new sucking me off!”).

Grab the new issue for Mayer’s full advice for Tiger Woods (”I have masturbated myself out of serious problems in my life”) and more on his journey from bedroom guitar player to the most angst-ridden playboy in rock.

Sounds like it's worth the read. As for the photoshoot, I like the cover, surprisingly so. I also like all the black & white photos; not really diggin' the color ones. You can watch a video of the shoot here.

Mark Seliger (the photographer) has done some pretty interesting shoots in the past, I would've never thought he's the same man responsible for epic photos:


T-Boz From TLC Talks About Holding Clive Davis at Gunpoint

This video is a few months old, but I know a lot of people haven't seen it. T-Boz talks about how TLC held Clive Davis at gunpoint because he had allegedly not paid them "their" money. It's crazy how you can generate so much money, having had one of the biggest selling R&B albums of all time, and still be broke.

Rihanna's "Redemption Song" Performance on Oprah


Why Vampires Turn Us On

Unf, enough said.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Tyson Beckford Would Go "Gay" For Barack Obama

Hey, who knows? Maybe he really is straight. Yea right. How you doing?

I'm Back!

I'm baaaaaaaaack! ;)

How is everybody doing?! I'm great! So much stuff I have to tell you guys! First off, the reason I haven't updated in over a month is because I was vacationing in the Dominican Republic (my home country) and I just needed to get away from EVERYTHING. Oh, and before I say anything else, I want to say that my heart goes out to all the folks out in Haiti who experienced the quake. I was in the Dominican Republic when the earthquake hit, and we definitely felt it and THANK GOD that we were spared. The entire island is in a state of paranoia and panic, scared that another quake will happen at any given moment. Man, if there's anything I've learned these last couple of weeks is to be GRATEFUL. Life is too short, you never know when it's your time to go, so live everyday like it's your last. And it's not even about yourself... your parents, your friends, your brothers and sisters... they can be gone in any given moment. Appreciate the time you have with them NOW. Life is way too short. :(

Anyhow, it felt so good to just lay on the beach for days at a time, sippin' on some Brugal or some Margaritas. Unfortunately, it's back to reality now, I'm back in NJ, back at school, grinding my senior year out. Over the one month hiatus, I've thought a lot about this blog. I'm considering moving over to, but I still don't know about all that. It seems like folks aren't really into the whole Livejournal thingy majig anymore, so I'm considering some alternatives. Nonetheless, I'm back, so expect new shit, new interviews (seriously) and exclusives, so let's get this shit popping! Thanks for sticking with me for these past two-three years, I really appreciate it! Don't mind leaving some comments/suggestions/views below! Let's do this!