Thursday, January 21, 2010

I'm Back!

I'm baaaaaaaaack! ;)

How is everybody doing?! I'm great! So much stuff I have to tell you guys! First off, the reason I haven't updated in over a month is because I was vacationing in the Dominican Republic (my home country) and I just needed to get away from EVERYTHING. Oh, and before I say anything else, I want to say that my heart goes out to all the folks out in Haiti who experienced the quake. I was in the Dominican Republic when the earthquake hit, and we definitely felt it and THANK GOD that we were spared. The entire island is in a state of paranoia and panic, scared that another quake will happen at any given moment. Man, if there's anything I've learned these last couple of weeks is to be GRATEFUL. Life is too short, you never know when it's your time to go, so live everyday like it's your last. And it's not even about yourself... your parents, your friends, your brothers and sisters... they can be gone in any given moment. Appreciate the time you have with them NOW. Life is way too short. :(

Anyhow, it felt so good to just lay on the beach for days at a time, sippin' on some Brugal or some Margaritas. Unfortunately, it's back to reality now, I'm back in NJ, back at school, grinding my senior year out. Over the one month hiatus, I've thought a lot about this blog. I'm considering moving over to, but I still don't know about all that. It seems like folks aren't really into the whole Livejournal thingy majig anymore, so I'm considering some alternatives. Nonetheless, I'm back, so expect new shit, new interviews (seriously) and exclusives, so let's get this shit popping! Thanks for sticking with me for these past two-three years, I really appreciate it! Don't mind leaving some comments/suggestions/views below! Let's do this!

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