Wednesday, February 10, 2010

John Mayer is a Douche

So there's this controversy going on right now with America's favorite douche bag, John Mayer, regarding a comment he made on the latest issue of Playboy Magazine. Apparently the man isn't an intelligent as his music would lead you to believe or maybe he really just doesn't care. Unfortunately for him, we do. Check out what he had to say about his dick, pornography, black women & sexing them.

PLAYBOY: What’s your point about porn and relationships?

MAYER: Internet pornography has absolutely changed my generation’s expectations. How could you be constantly synthesizing an orgasm based on dozens of shots? You’re looking for the one photo out of 100 you swear is going to be the one you finish to, and you still don’t finish. Twenty seconds ago you thought that photo was the hottest thing you ever saw, but you throw it back and continue your shot hunt and continue to make yourself late for work. How does that not affect the psychology of having a relationship with somebody? It’s got to.

PLAYBOY: Masturbation for you is as good as sex?

MAYER: Absolutely, because during sex, I’m just going to run a filmstrip. I’m still masturbating. That’s what you do when you’re 30, 31, 32. This is my problem now: Rather than meet somebody new, I would rather go home and replay the amazing experiences I’ve already had.

PLAYBOY: If you didn’t know you, would you think you’re a douche bag?

MAYER: It depends on what I picked up. My two biggest hits are “Your Body Is a Wonderland” and “Daughters.” If you think those songs are pandering, then you’ll think I’m a douche bag. It’s like I come on very strong. I am a very…I’m just very. V-E-R-Y. And if you can’t handle very, then I’m a douche bag. But I think the world needs a little very. That’s why black people love me.

PLAYBOY: Because you’re very?

MAYER: Someone asked me the other day, “What does it feel like now to have a hood pass?” And by the way, it’s sort of a contradiction in terms, because if you really had a hood pass, you could call it a nigger pass. Why are you pulling a punch and calling it a hood pass if you really have a hood pass? But I said, “I can’t really have a hood pass. I’ve never walked into a restaurant, asked for a table and been told, ‘We’re full.’"

PLAYBOY: Do black women throw themselves at you?

MAYER: I don’t think I open myself to it. My dick is sort of like a white supremacist. I’ve got a Benetton heart and a fuckin’ David Duke cock. I’m going to start dating separately from my dick.

PLAYBOY: Let’s put some names out there. Let’s get specific.

MAYER: I always thought Holly Robinson Peete was gorgeous. Every white dude loved Hilary from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. And Kerry Washington. She’s superhot, and she’s also white-girl crazy. Kerry Washington would break your heart like a white girl. Just all of a sudden she’d be like, “Yeah, I sucked his dick. Whatever.” And you’d be like, “What? We weren’t talking about that.” That’s what “Heartbreak Warfare” is all about, when a girl uses jealousy as a tactic.

You can read the entire interview here.

First of all, I'm not mad at him for not being sexually attracted to black women, different strokes for different folks. But considering his level of success and the magazine that this interview was done by, he should've been more cautious with his wording on certain things, especially since everything he says (or Playboy publishes) will reach the masses.

If you take a look back in history, how many times have we heard a celebrity (or whoever the hell) say:

"I didn't mean to offend anybody. I didn't mean it like that! I apologize, I should have worded it differently."

.. too many to count. And maybe they did mean to offend somebody. Maybe they really meant what they said. But if you're going to end up apologizing to the masses, watch what the hell comes out your mouth in the first place. There are so many non-offensive metaphors he could have used other than white supremacist to compare his dick and its dislike for black women. A simple "I'm not sexually attracted to black women," would have sufficed. And all this talk about nigger pass? Are you serious John Mayer? When will these celebrities realize that they need their fans and shouldn't alienate them with foolishness like this? I'm also extremely appalled by the interviewer and his choice of questions. Do black women throw themselves at you? Whoa now, what's going on? Why would black women, specifically, be throwing themselves at anybody? And that comment about Kerry? How disrespectful can you be. I mean, come on now. If he was trying to be funny, he was not. The joke is on him. Let the backlash begin. Waiting on the World to Change alright.

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