Monday, September 20, 2010

Lady Gaga Speaks Out Against "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

Lady Gaga made an appearance at the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" rally in Portland, Maine earlier today. The singer brought attention to tomorrow's vote in the Senate over the repeal of DADT laws.

"I'm here because don't ask don't tell is wrong. It's injust," she added. "I'm here today because I would like to propose a new law. A law that sends home the soldier that has the problem. Our new law is called, 'If you don't like it, go home.'"

I must admit that Gaga's speech was incredibly moving and powerful and contrary to what many people are assuming, I do feel that she is sincere in her fight towards gay rights. This does not read as a publicity stunt to me, not in the least bit. I applaud this woman for taking a stand against inequality when the majority of her fellow rivals wouldn't even dare tackle a political issue, much less one that involves the rights of gays. She isn't afraid to voice her opinions and alienate some fans along the way; the woman stands up and fights for what she believes in, and is very knowledgeable at that.

Here's to DADT being repealed. Here's to more artists and public figures actually giving a fuck about something other than Billboard positions and album sales. Here's to a change. It's about damn time.

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