Sunday, September 23, 2007

Adrianne Curry responds: "People misunderstood my message"

So Mrs. Curry was taken back by the thousands of negative comments that folks left on her blog and has now written a rebuttal claiming that her message was "misunderstood." I'm tired and I don't feel like commenting on this bullshit. Let me just say that if you're going to voice your opinion on a subject that you know nothing about, be smart about it because once it becomes apparent that you don't know what you're talking about, it's a lost case for you.

Anyways here is her statement. What do you think?

Yep, I gotta try to clarify a few things here.

Firstly, I just want to apologize for how random my thoughts were in my last blog. I wrote what I did just minutes after a long heated discussion on the topic. I can hardly read the thing, it's so damn random!

I think it is HORRIBLE that people misunderstood my message. Just because I wanted to stop separating races, doesn't mean I want to STOP TEACHING HISTORY! Or schools need to teach MORE of ALL of it anyway! I was asking that we not name things to separate ourselves. I never claimed we shouldn't learn our own history, or that of all the other countries on earth (which we as Americans are pretty bad at). I am very aware of all the amazing things hat black people have done for our country, and we should always be aware of it. However, separating our races sounds like racism to me. It just does. So go ahead, claim I am the one who is ignorant for wanting us all to be EQUAL! Can you believe that? How does that make a fucking lick of sense? Honor your heritage, I know I do. Just make sure that by doing so, you do not seperate yourself from the rest of us! Black History to me would be everything that happened in AFRICA. I lived there for almost 5 months. Visted Robin Island, and saw the cell they held Nelson Mandela in. I witnesses first hand people calling these taxi vans "Black Taxis" and these nice taxi's "white taxis". Just vile.THAT is African(black if you will) history. African AMERICAN history is OUR history!

Yes, there was a time when racism ran rapid. It still does in some places. However, it is time for us to rise above it and BECOME ONE, instead of SOME. I wrote my last blog in such hurry and a fury because I felt what I was typing so deeply. I am appalled that anyone would claim I am just some stupid white bitch that doesn't know shit about anything. I did NOT grow up rich. I did NOT hang out with rich people. Watch the show "Roseanne" and you tell ME if that family seemed well off. That is just about where I came from. My family is blue collar all the way! Just because I worked hard to get where I am it means I don't know how hard it is to LIVE LIFE? I was addicted to drugs, raped, abused, beaten, etc. I DO NOT DWELL ON IT! I choose to rise above it! I have been beaten up for being "the white girl" a few times, so don't tell me I don't know how it feels to be discriminated against.

My message about trying to rise above segregation, separation, and racism has been twisted. Some people are saying I am RACIST for wanting all races to embrace each other! You're a fucking dumbass if that is what you think! Again, let me make this clear, I DO NOT SUPPORT THE SEPERATION OF RACE IN THIS COUNTRY, ANY RACE. I DO NOT SUPPORT CHANELS OR FUNDS THAT SEPARATE RACE, HENCE ADDING TO RACISM! I never claimed to STOP teaching history that involves black people, I asked to STOP BEING RACIST BY SEPERATING GROUPS BY RACE! Truly educate yourselves on the true definition of segregation.

I enjoy sharing my thoughts here. Some people like it, and some people don't. I come from an incredibly political family. (I am a Democrat). I enjoy a heated debate. I didn't mean to "single out" only the black months/funds/channels. It was more of an example of how NO RACE should attempt to separate itself in such a way that ADDS to the problem with racism. Stop singling people out, and maybe…just maybe, the future will be full of people that were NEVER raised thinking people are so different because of their skin.

I wrote about what I did because I care. It makes me physically ill knowing that there are people that are still so closed minded out there that they hate someone because of their skin. My hope is that one day we will all wonder how anyone could have done that. I think that we need to teach MORE history in our schools. Of course, even more world history. I also think we should be more aware of what is happing in other countries. Of everywhere I have been on Earth, America shows the least news on what's happing outside our "world".

- Adrianne's Blog

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