Monday, December 10, 2007

New Amy Winehouse "Love Is A Losing Game"

I'm glad she made a video for this. Unfortunately, Mrs. Winehouse hasn't been doing too well [Amy Winehouse's Mother Reaches Out To Troubled Singer In Open Letter] lately so I honestly don't think this song/video will be promoted.

London lady soul singer Amy Winehouse left home after powdering her nose (left) and was chauffeured to her first party stop -- where along the way, she decided that she'd change her pants (right) -- leaving paparazzi gaping at the half-naked, gap-toothed, beehived, lovelorn wreck. After an evening of "entertainment," it appears that Wino lost her keys, and had to get back into her home, not by ringing for Jeeves, but by sliding under the gate

Obviously, the girl isn't all there. She recently got arrested for marijuana possession and has apparently been messing around with other drugs as well. Hopefully she checks herself into rehab soon or else I fear for the worst. :-/

Nonetheless, this is my favorite song off her album and I couldn't have asked for a better single to wrap up the album.

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