Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Mos Def Calls Out Artists Over ‘Jena Six’

Interesting article I read today:

Mos Def – who is currently in Louisiana rallying in support of the “Jena Six” students – expressed anger over the seemingly lack of response in the hip-hop community.

“Shame on everybody who’s not here,” the Brooklyn rapper told MTV News, referring to the Sept. 20th demonstration in Jena, Louisiana.

“I’m f*cking mad. I’m disappointed to always be coming to these things and it’s only one or two people [from the music industry here]. If you ain’t gonna use your voice, then be quiet. I’m disappointed and ashamed.”

Community leaders voiced outrage over the trial of six Black teenagers, who initially faced attempted-murder charges last year for the beating of a White student.

Bun B, of the rap duo UGK, also appeared at the rally after reportedly driving over from Port Arthur, Texas.

“I grew up right next to a town where it’s strictly White people,” Bun said.

“I’ve been privy to these small incidents of violence in these all-White towns. We were blessed to find out about the Jena Six and were blessed to try to make some type of impact in this community before things went too far.” [x]

I agree with you Mos. You should be mad. Where's Russell Simmons, Nas, Kanye West... Common? The hip hop community apparently doesn't give two fucks about anything. If it's not about getting some dough in their pockets, they ain't doing it. Where are all the black actors? Comedians? RnB singers? Like I said, it's all about the money. It's a damn shame when we don't even support our own community. This is the type of shit that shows you who actually cares about the shit going on in our country right now. Props Mos, props.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

1 18 08

Looks like a cross between "War of the Worlds," "Day After Tomorrow" and an ounce of "Blair Witch Project." Intriguing nonetheless. I wonder what 1 18 08 means (besides the release date, of course)?

So I guess the Flavor of Love 2 chicks are cool again?

They're also featured in the new Fabolous video, "Baby Don't Go."

Hm... so were they faking their beef all this time or did they really not like each other and have now kissed and made up? Shit, who cares. They both looking good as fuck.

The CW's "Reaper"

I had the opportunity to watch the pilot episode of the CW's upcoming show "Reaper" and I must admit I was pleasantly surprised. I for one am not big on comedies; horror is more my genre. But in a season where every network is trying to make their own version of "Heroes," the CW's "Reaper" keeps it simple and fresh, without relying to much on special effects.

"Reaper" stars Sam (Bret Harrison, "Grounded for Life") as a shy 20 something year old guy who is chosen to become Satan's accomplice. He never finished college and is content with being "a failure" because it doesn't require much work. Once he finds out that there is more to his life than working at a convenience store, he slowly gains motivation and a new look on his once boring life. His beautiful co-worker Andi (Missy Peregrym, "Heroes") is the girl of his dreams but his lack of confidence stops him from asking her out. The role of Andi was originally played by Nikki Reed but she was replaced by Missy Peregrym for reasons unknown. The characters in the show are very personable and the interaction between the cast is believable, though I can't help but wonder if Missy was the right girl for the role. I think Nikki would've done the role more justice but it's still too early to tell.

It's going to be interesting to see what the writers are going to do with the show. Are they going to take the "monster-of-the-week" route or are they going to focus more on the characters and season long storylines? We'll have to wait and see.

I'm not going to sit here and give you a whole synopsis of the show or background info on all the characters. I'm also not going to sit here and say "This IS THE BEST SHOW EVER!" or "THIS IS A MUST SEE!" But what I will tell you is that I watched the show expecting it to be a total mess (like most CW shows) and found it to be very entertaining. Give it a shot. "Reaper" premieres this Tuesday at 9PM Eastern on the CW. [B+]

Click here to watch the trailer.

"Reaper" is from ABC Studios with executive producers Michele Fazeka ("Ed," "Law & Order, Special Victims Unit"), Tara Butters ("Ed," "Law & Order, Special Victims Unit"), Mark Gordon ("Grey's Anatomy," Criminal Minds"), Deborah Spera ("Criminal Minds") and Tom Spezialy ("Desperate Housewives").

Adrianne Curry responds: "People misunderstood my message"

So Mrs. Curry was taken back by the thousands of negative comments that folks left on her blog and has now written a rebuttal claiming that her message was "misunderstood." I'm tired and I don't feel like commenting on this bullshit. Let me just say that if you're going to voice your opinion on a subject that you know nothing about, be smart about it because once it becomes apparent that you don't know what you're talking about, it's a lost case for you.

Anyways here is her statement. What do you think?

Yep, I gotta try to clarify a few things here.

Firstly, I just want to apologize for how random my thoughts were in my last blog. I wrote what I did just minutes after a long heated discussion on the topic. I can hardly read the thing, it's so damn random!

I think it is HORRIBLE that people misunderstood my message. Just because I wanted to stop separating races, doesn't mean I want to STOP TEACHING HISTORY! Or schools need to teach MORE of ALL of it anyway! I was asking that we not name things to separate ourselves. I never claimed we shouldn't learn our own history, or that of all the other countries on earth (which we as Americans are pretty bad at). I am very aware of all the amazing things hat black people have done for our country, and we should always be aware of it. However, separating our races sounds like racism to me. It just does. So go ahead, claim I am the one who is ignorant for wanting us all to be EQUAL! Can you believe that? How does that make a fucking lick of sense? Honor your heritage, I know I do. Just make sure that by doing so, you do not seperate yourself from the rest of us! Black History to me would be everything that happened in AFRICA. I lived there for almost 5 months. Visted Robin Island, and saw the cell they held Nelson Mandela in. I witnesses first hand people calling these taxi vans "Black Taxis" and these nice taxi's "white taxis". Just vile.THAT is African(black if you will) history. African AMERICAN history is OUR history!

Yes, there was a time when racism ran rapid. It still does in some places. However, it is time for us to rise above it and BECOME ONE, instead of SOME. I wrote my last blog in such hurry and a fury because I felt what I was typing so deeply. I am appalled that anyone would claim I am just some stupid white bitch that doesn't know shit about anything. I did NOT grow up rich. I did NOT hang out with rich people. Watch the show "Roseanne" and you tell ME if that family seemed well off. That is just about where I came from. My family is blue collar all the way! Just because I worked hard to get where I am it means I don't know how hard it is to LIVE LIFE? I was addicted to drugs, raped, abused, beaten, etc. I DO NOT DWELL ON IT! I choose to rise above it! I have been beaten up for being "the white girl" a few times, so don't tell me I don't know how it feels to be discriminated against.

My message about trying to rise above segregation, separation, and racism has been twisted. Some people are saying I am RACIST for wanting all races to embrace each other! You're a fucking dumbass if that is what you think! Again, let me make this clear, I DO NOT SUPPORT THE SEPERATION OF RACE IN THIS COUNTRY, ANY RACE. I DO NOT SUPPORT CHANELS OR FUNDS THAT SEPARATE RACE, HENCE ADDING TO RACISM! I never claimed to STOP teaching history that involves black people, I asked to STOP BEING RACIST BY SEPERATING GROUPS BY RACE! Truly educate yourselves on the true definition of segregation.

I enjoy sharing my thoughts here. Some people like it, and some people don't. I come from an incredibly political family. (I am a Democrat). I enjoy a heated debate. I didn't mean to "single out" only the black months/funds/channels. It was more of an example of how NO RACE should attempt to separate itself in such a way that ADDS to the problem with racism. Stop singling people out, and maybe…just maybe, the future will be full of people that were NEVER raised thinking people are so different because of their skin.

I wrote about what I did because I care. It makes me physically ill knowing that there are people that are still so closed minded out there that they hate someone because of their skin. My hope is that one day we will all wonder how anyone could have done that. I think that we need to teach MORE history in our schools. Of course, even more world history. I also think we should be more aware of what is happing in other countries. Of everywhere I have been on Earth, America shows the least news on what's happing outside our "world".

- Adrianne's Blog

Saturday, September 22, 2007

People come and go...

It used to piss me off, but not anymore; I've become numb to it. People come and go. Friends come and go. Life comes and goes. What else is there to say? No, no one has died. It's just something I've been thinking about lately, considering that I am in a stage in my life, where I'm being forced to DO ME. It's not about anyone else anymore, but me. It's hard... fuck it, it's extremely hard; not having anyone anymore when you had someone there before. But shit it makes you stronger, right? I sure do hope so.

Adrianne Curry : “Boycott BET and Black History Month!”

Adrianne Curry is opposing Black History Month and cable network BET (Black Entertainment Television) on her MySpace.The original America’s Next Top Model winner is asking to boycott Black History Month and BET.

Here are Adrianne’s comments:

“This is gonna be hard guys. I LOVE the comedians on BET. I also LOVE the fact that they play my favorite show of all time, In Living Color. However, I do not believe in seperating ANY RACE in America. WE ARE AMERICANS! How dare we have Black History Month! In my eyes, the Native Americans deserve it MUCH more, seeing how we destroyed their ENTIRE SOCIETY. There are hardly any of them left! They also have been proven to have the WORST living conditions on their reservations. I want AN AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH. One where we learn about EVERY race, ALL OF OUR LEADERS, EVERYONE! I think by having a month dedicated to one race, and not one for any other, is RACIST. Every fund set up to only help people of one race is SICK and RACIST."

She continues:

"Yes, I get it. Black people were slaves here once. You know what? That does suck some major balls, however, it is time to move the f*** on. Do we hear the Jews crying that they were made slaves for thousands of years? Do we hear them whine that they should OWN the pyramids in Egypt because THEY broke their backs making them? Do we hear them b**** and moan about Hitler, etc? (my hubby is a Jew)Nope, we dont. It’s time for us to UNITE AS ONE. I do not think that singling out one race, giving one race opportunities to go to college (I know a TON of poor white.asian, indian, american indian, etc etc that could use that too!), giving one race the EXCUSE to blame things on others for being whatever nationality they are, is a good way at making sure we NEVER kill racism.

I am over this s***. WE ALL CAME FROM ONE BLACK WOMAN FROM AFRICA, THAT is our EVE! It has been proven by science, and I stand by it. If any other race had a chanel dedicated to just them, we would think it was racist. If any other race demanded a month be set aside for ONLY them, they would be considered racist. I am NOT living by this double standard any longer.

Think I am racist? I am not. I know what racism is. I dated a guy named “Justin” in Junior high. Nothing serious, but I really liked him. He was the blackest of black…BEAUTIFUL skin, kinda like Alex Wek’s. He was handsome, and athletic, etc. I was called a zzzzzz lover. But you know what? I was called that by a whole 2 people out of a school with HUNDREDS of students. THAT is why I am NOT buying this racist s*** anymore. Let us teach or children that there is NO DIFFERENCE! We are all human. I hope one day aliens land and try to kill us. Maybe THEN we would finally realize that WE are ONE.

So, I will no longer tune into BET. This is going to suck, but I do NOT like the idea of having a chanel for only 1 race. In the year 2007 in a country that is supposed to be the most advanced and equal. This is unexceptable! I will also no longer acknowledge Black History Month. Instead, I will see it the way that Morgan Freeman does (I have the quote at the bottom of my last blog on Obama/jesseJackson, and OJ). AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH! I will read/watch/and learn about ALL the people who made a difference in this country.

I am asking you ALL to join me. Black, White, Indian, Asian, Russian, Australian, etc etc…..lets be AMERICANS together! What happened to the African American community was AMERICAN HISTORY, not BLACK HISTORY. If you want to celebrate in a way that excludes others and singles one race out, count me the f*** out! I am soooo proud to be an American. I am SO proud that I have friends of every race, and none of us see each other as anything but what we are..people. Lets change Black History Month to 2 months of AMERICAN HISTORY. We will still learn about all the black leaders and people who made a difference….just not with the racist name of “Black History Month”. It has to start somewhere. I am going to do my part in making sure we are all treated EQUAL in a country that CLAIMS we are. NO MORE SPECIAL TREATMENT FOR ANYONE WITH ANYTHING!

It will never happen. At least, that is what many of you will say…FINE! My number one priority here is being able to die and know that I stood up for what I believed in, and that I did not add to the SEPERATION OF AMERICANS!! I love my country, I love the people in it. I love our history, good and bad. We should LEARN from it,not dwell in it and not move forward. That’s why I am done with this s***. You are all my brothers and sisters…..even if I think you suck ; ) As Bono said, “One life, with each other..sisters…brothers!”

Note:: Opinions are like a**holes, everyone…we all have em! Please, respect each other here…listen…even if you dont agree. No name calling. I have a confession…The topic here (black history month/BET) is not what my message was about… I just knew it would get a lot more attention if I used it as an example. My message is to BECOME ONE. AMERICANS, celebrate things as such, not label them this or that…Black History month should NOT go away…but it should have it’s name changed to AMERICAN HISTORY..and be made into a few months…to teach us EVERYTHING about our history…not just focus on one race. Yep, I have a hippie view of the world, and I dont care!! I am not saying to stop celebrating and remebering our history, good or bad. I AGREE that we need to teach MORE on american history concerning what we teach during “black History month”. I am not writing this to take away anything from anyone…we need MORE OF IT, but WITHOUT the race title!!!!"

How about, no? We are not going to forget about slavery and act like it didn't happen. We are not going to stop complaining about the unfair advantages that you as a white female have in this country, advantages that are only granted to you because of the color of your skin. Opportunities that some of us will never have when we're just as qualified as you are. And I do agree with you on the BET tip. They should be boycotted, but for completely different reasons than those you mentioned. BET, first off, is owned by Viacom, the same company the owns MTV and VH1. It is a company ran by white men; nothing to do with black people. It has everything to do with capitalizing on black culture; making some money by targeting a specific demographic you obviously know nothing about, but folks still tune in so at the end of the day, they get their dough. What's this about racism you're talking about, when the company isn't even ran by us?

We have one channel, that technically is not even "ours," and you're complaining because..? The Hispanic community has Telemundo and Univision, shouldn't you be complaining about them too?

Apparently you didn't learn much in school (judging by your 2nd grade level writing) but the purpose of Black History month is to remember the African Americans who fought for our rights; to recognize the contributions made to society by our people. All the shit we had to go through and are still going through and you have the nerve to complain about equality? Get the fuck out of here.

Your argument would make more sense if you had knowledge to back your shit up otherwise it comes off as ignorant and you come off as a whiny bitch. Stick to modeling, honey, at least you don't have to write or open your mouth.

I'm Not Dead

When I first made this livejournal account, my intention wasn't to have a blog, but to check out other's blogs. I wasn't ready to pour my heart out to the world in this little thing called Livejournal. But now I am, and a lot has happened... and I have a lot to say. So sit tight, as you're about to enter my world. Feel free to comment and disagree with anything I write, I don't take shit to heart. Besides, it's never personal... or is it?

Oo itz Sant0 baby!