Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Britney Spears "Till The World Ends" Video

The video for Britney Spears' second single Till The World Ends has finally premiered. The Ray Kay directed video features the Pop star in what appears to be an underground warehouse, dancing her life away with dozens of sweaty backup dancers, all while the world is coming to an end. Though the video is leaps and bounds better than the trash that was the Hold It Against Me video, I couldn't help but compare it to two specific "old Britney" videos:

As I watched Britney dance the night away in Till The World Ends, I was quickly reminded of these two videos. Not that it's a bad thing, it's not. It just felt like an updated version/tribute to some of her older videos, which I definitely enjoyed. On the Femme Fatale MTV special that aired this past weekend, Britney Spears said something that caught my attention, which was about the number of videos she's done to date and how at this point, she's more focused on enjoying it all as oppose to trying to "top" herself. Judging by the videos she's been recording since Blackout, I can definitely see that.

Nonetheless, while the new video isn't on the same level of the greatness that Slave 4 U or Boys are in, it is a step in the right direction, especially considering what her recent videos have looked like. The song is insanely catchy and different for her, which is something a lot of fans (and critics) are appreciating. She looks wonderful in the video and I like the grittiness of it all.

There were two versions of the video shot. Expect the other version to premiere shortly. Thoughts on the video?

Monday, April 4, 2011

When the Sparks are Gone: The Case of Britney Spears

I've never been a fan of Britney Spears. With the exception of a catchy song here and there, I've never really enjoyed her music and I've never understood her hype. I guess I've always felt that most of her competition (especially back in the day) were all light years ahead of her, vocally and musically speaking, which ironically, is something that over the years I've realized doesn't mean much.

I've always viewed Britney Spears as the definition of a product; an extremely appealing and well packaged young girl, with an innocent-sex-kitten-meow look, created by some ingenious record label executives who at the time felt that there was a void that Britney Spears, with a lot of grooming and training, could potentially fill; as oppose to an artist with a vision in mind (a la Pink) and with a quality and impressive discography, with the vocal and/or songwriting abilities to boot. Nonetheless, the public has embraced Britney Spears since she burst onto the scene with her debut album (Baby One More Time...), at the peak of the Pop craze back in 1999 and twelve years later, the public is enamored with her more than ever and here I am writing this little rant about her and her superb new album (Femme Fatale). Yes, superb.

All jabs aside, something must be made clear. One thing ole' girl did do extremely well, at least back in the day, was to perform. She hasn't been called the Princess-turned-Queen-now-dethroned-by-Gaga of Pop for nothing. Shall I take you back? *ahem*

.. all lip syncing aside, Britney Spears knew how to put on a show! Now let's take a look at last week's GMA performance.

.. what's interesting to me is that even though she obviously (for whatever reason) cannot perform as well as she used to, the quality of her albums (ever since In The Zone and with the exception of Circus which I did not like) has gotten tremendously better. 15 years later, Britney, in my opinion, is putting out some of her best music to date, to the point where she has finally caught my attention. But unfortunately, as she is slowly growing and evolving in one aspect, she is quickly diving head first in another. I think it is safe to say that Britney Spears no long has the fire or passion in performing anymore (or at least as she once had), judging by what I've been seeing from her since she released her album Blackout in 2007. At the time, I completely understood why she wasn't up to par, considering everything that she was going through. Surprisingly, it was then and there, amidst all her troubles, bad publicity and horrible VMA performance, that I took an interest in here and fell in love (from there on out) with her music. Blackout was probably the most played album for me that year and I would go as far as to say that it is definitely among the best Pop albums of the 2000's. Two years later, she released what was considered to be her "comeback" album, Circus, and though the interest and number one singles were there, something was still off. Britney Spears could no longer perform like she used to. Fast forward to 2011, Femme Fatale was released last week, Hold It Against Me hit number upon its release and the album reviews have been stellar. Unfortunately, five years after her infamous breakdown, it appears as though Britney Spears hasn't fully recovered. I had hoped that after Blackout she would've somehow snapped back into it, but I'm beginning to wonder whether or not that is even possible.

What do you think happened? I mean, not that it's necessarily a fair comparison, but J.Lo didn't get her music career on and popping till her late 20's/early 30's and (nearly 12 years later), she can still out-dance a lot of these younger artists, so obviously age isn't the issue here. One still has "it" (J.Lo) and hasn't been relevant for a while (although that is quickly changing with the success of On The Floor), whereas the other, Britney Spears, has remained relevant for most of her career but has apparently lost her spark. Will we ever get to see old Britney again or is that entertainer long dead and gone? I'm beginning to love Britney more and more but just for her music, and her music alone. The things that happen when the passion is gone.

P.S. Blackout and Femme Fatale = ♥

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Katy Perry's "E.T." Music Video

I am not, in any way, shape or form, a fan of Katy Perry's music. I find her to be a dull and uninspired. And please don't get me started on Kesha.

That said, it annoys me to say that I really love this song. The Floria Sigismondi-directed clip is visually stunning and has to be one of her best videos to date. Considering the fact that the song just hit number one on the Billboard charts this week (the fourth one of her album to do so) and the video just came out, I expect this single to be huge for her. Kudos.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Rihanna Covers "Rollingstone"

That Rihanna reign just won't let up. Superb.

HQ version and interview will be posted as soon as it's available.

In other Rihanna news, it has been confirmed that California King Bed (Take a Bow/Hate That I Love You/Firebomb Part 2) will be the next single off her Loud album. Eh, bad choice. I personally would've preferred Cheers or Man Down (especially since summer is right around the corner) but apparently California King Bed was the fan favorite.

"The Borgias" Premires Next Week

April 3rd (this Sunday) is right around the corner! Given Showtime's excellent (Dexter, The Tudors, Nurse Jackie, Californication and etc.) history of producing quality TV series, this upcoming historic drama should be no different. Check out this interesting review from LA Times here, as well as Entertainment Weekly's opinion of the show and its competition (Starz's Camelot and HBO's Game of Thrones, here.

Off topic, but did anyone watch the third season premiere of Nurse Jackie? I missed it.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Season 3 Trailer of "Nurse Jackie"

Showtime is on a roll with its quality drama series. They have Dexter, Nurse Jackie, The Big C, United States of Tara, Weeds, Californication and most recently, Shameless. The trailer for the third season of Nurse Jackie looks really good. The season three premiere of Nurse Jackie will air on March 28th.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

"X-Men First Class" Trailer

Following the success (and criticisms) of director Bryan Singer's three previous X-men films, this Matthew Vaughn-directed-X-men-prequel, which is scheduled for release on June 3rd, focuses on the beginning of the X-men saga, long before the world knew their true identities. Judging by what I've seen from the minute-long trailer, I am extremely anxious to see what the final outcome will be. Anyone who knows me knows that I am the biggest X-men fanboy, so when I heard that this film was in production, though a part of me was worried (of how inaccurate or low quality it would be), another part of me was rather excited and eager to see what this new director (and cast) would do with the incredibly rich and interesting saga that is X-men. Though it's too early to tell, and way too little to go by, I have to admit that I am more interested now than ever before. Bring it on.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Cover of Lady Gaga's "Born This Way" Single

This is the cover of her upcoming Born This Way single (not the album). It was shot by photographer Nick Knight, which isn't surprising as the image is straight up his ally..

The photo is great and while nowhere near as creative or groundbreaking as Nick Knight's previous works, it is interesting in the sense that it is a sneak peek of what this much hyped and highly anticipated new era of Lady Gaga is going to look like.

The single is scheduled to premiere this Friday.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Rihanna's "S&M" Video

Fucking epic. Melina and Rihanna have done it again (see Hard, Rudeboy, Rockstar 101). There are so many things that are fascinating about this video. For one, it's very David LaChapelle-ish, which is one of my favorite photographers:


Two; Perez Hilton as Rihanna's bitch. Wait, those were her words, not mine.

.. and three, it's full of everything Rihanna has become a pro at selling; sex, vivid imagery and attitude. The song itself, while a bit on the generic side (production wise), is sure to be another number one hit for her and will become another one of her many club anthems, right up there with Only Girl, Don't Stop The Music and Disturbia. I love this video so much that I would rank it as one of her best videos ever, definitely top five (along with, in no particular order; Hard, Rudeboy, Rockstar 101, Russian Roulette and Disturbia). While Loud might not be as great of an album as Rated R was, Rihanna is proving that it doesn't have to be. Sans Rudeboy, the singles off Loud are doing more than anything from Rated R ever did. Goes to show that while this might not necessarily be her best material, she is definitely giving us her best effort.

Its been a good month. Both my girls, Rihanna and P!nk, have delivered videos that have not only exceeded my expectations, but blew the rest of their contemporaries out the water. This my friends, is how a hot video is done. Cheers.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Legal Dramas Are Making A Comeback

Are legal dramas the new TV trend?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Pink's "Fucking Perfect" Video

[vodpod id=Video.15897176&w=425&h=350&fv=]

Wow. And this, my friends, is why Pink is my favorite Pop artist. The video was beautifully haunting and powerful, as is the song. Yet, it's mainstream enough to become a smash hit and thus spread its positive and inspiring message to the masses. Pink rarely disappoints me, and not only did she deliver with this video and song, she wowed me. Check out what P!nk had to say about the song's video and her intentions behind it:

I'm sure my newest video for "F**kin’ Perfect" will be much like some of my other videos, which basically means I expect it will ruffle some feathers.

My favorite books, art pieces, films, and music, always have something jarring about them. I want art to make me think. In order to do that, it may piss me off, or make me uncomfortable. That promotes awareness and change, or at least some discussion. That is my intention. You can't move mountains by whispering at them.

Cutting, and suicide, two very different symptoms of the same problem, are gaining on us. (the problem being; alienation and depression. the symptoms; cutting and suicide). I personally don't know a single person who doesn't know at least two of these victims personally. A lot of us have seen certain starlets showing off their latest scars on a red carpet somewhere, usually right before they head back to their favorite rehab.
Its a problem, and its something we should talk about.
We can choose to ignore the problem, and therefore ignore this video, but that won't make it go away.

I don't support or encourage suicide or cutting. I support the kids out there that feel so desperate/numb/powerless, that feel unseen and unheard, and can't see another way.. I want them to know I'm aware. I have been there. I see them. Sometimes that's all it takes.

Making this video was a very emotional experience for me, as was writing this song. I have a life inside of me, and I want her or him to know that I will accept him or her with open and loving and welcoming arms. And though I will prepare this little munchkin for a sometimes cruel world, I will also equip this kid to see all the beauty in it as well. There are good people in this world that are open-minded, and loving. There are those that accept us with all of our flaws. I do that with my fans/friends, and I will do that with my child, whoever they decide to be.

Well said, Pink. Well said. In a time where it's becoming a trend sing songs that motivate and inspire (Kesha, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry.. I see you!), Pink seems the most genuine. And maybe that's because she's been relaying this same message since 2000. Or maybe it's because ole girl really lives and breathes this. Either way, it's a message that will never get old to me. We can never be loved too much. We can never be inspired too much, motivated too much, told everything is going to be okay, too much; and when you're at the lowest of the lowest moments, nothing feels better, nothing is more needed, than that. Say hello to my favorite song and video of 2011.

"Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior"

As if having 87 police procedurals on the air wasn't enough, the creators of Criminal Minds are launching a spinoff series, Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior, which follows an entirely new profiling team and their work with the FBI in Quantico, Virginia. The series has been given a 13 episode pick-up and is scheduled to premiere on February 16th on CBS.

I don't know about this. I stopped watching the original Criminal Minds years ago (maybe I shouldn't have) and I have too many TV shows backed up my DVR to pay this any mind at the moment. But given the fact that I'm a sucker for anything suspenseful (sans the CSI series), I will tune in and check out the first few episodes.

Official "Red Riding Hood" Trailer

The film was directed by Catherine Hardwicke (Twilight) and is scheduled to hit theaters on March 11th.

Though I'm a bit leery of the Twilight comparisons, I will be checking this film out once it is released. For some reason, the trailer reminds me of Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland movie, which I have yet to see.

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Egg..

Not that I necessarily agree with this, but I found this little story to be quite odd and interesting:

You were on your way home when you died.

It was a car accident. Nothing particularly remarkable, but fatal nonetheless. You left behind a wife and two children. It was a painless death. The EMTs tried their best to save you, but to no avail. Your body was so utterly shattered you were better off, trust me.

And that’s when you met me.

“What… what happened?” You asked. “Where am I?”

“You died,” I said, matter-of-factly. No point in mincing words.

“There was a… a truck and it was skidding…”

“Yup,” I said.

“I… I died?”

“Yup. But don’t feel bad about it. Everyone dies,” I said.

You looked around. There was nothingness. Just you and me. “What is this place?” You asked. “Is this the afterlife?”

“More or less,” I said.

“Are you god?” You asked.

“Yup,” I replied. “I’m God.”

“My kids… my wife,” you said.

“What about them?”

“Will they be all right?”

“That’s what I like to see,” I said. “You just died and your main concern is for your family. That’s good stuff right there.”

You looked at me with fascination. To you, I didn’t look like God. I just looked like some man. Or possibly a woman. Some vague authority figure, maybe. More of a grammar school teacher than the almighty.

“Don’t worry,” I said. “They’ll be fine. Your kids will remember you as perfect in every way. They didn’t have time to grow contempt for you. You wife will cry on the outside, but will be secretly relieved. To be fair, your marriage was falling apart. If it’s any consolation, she’ll feel very guilty for feeling relieved.”

“Oh,” you said. “So what happens now? Do I go to heaven or hell or something?”

“Neither,” I said. “You’ll be reincarnated.”

“Ah,” you said. “So the Hindus were right,”

“All religions are right in their own way,” I said. “Walk with me.”

You followed along as we strode through the void. “Where are we going?”

“Nowhere in particular,” I said. “It’s just nice to walk while we talk.”

“So what’s the point, then?” You asked. “When I get reborn, I’ll just be a blank slate, right? A baby. So all my experiences and everything I did in this life won’t matter.”

“Not so!” I said. “You have within you all the knowledge and experiences of all your past lives. You just don’t remember them right now.”

I stopped walking and took you by the shoulders. “Your soul is more magnificent, beautiful, and gigantic than you can possibly imagine. A human mind can only contain a tiny fraction of what you are. It’s like sticking your finger in a glass of water to see if it’s hot or cold. You put a tiny part of yourself into the vessel, and when you bring it back out, you’ve gained all the experiences it had.

“You’ve been in a human for the last 48 years, so you haven’t stretched out yet and felt the rest of your immense consciousness. If we hung out here for long enough, you’d start remembering everything. But there’s no point to doing that between each life.”

“How many times have I been reincarnated, then?”

“Oh lots. Lots and lots. An in to lots of different lives.” I said. “This time around, you’ll be a Chinese peasant girl in 540 AD.”

“Wait, what?” You stammered. “You’re sending me back in time?”

“Well, I guess technically. Time, as you know it, only exists in your universe. Things are different where I come from.”

“Where you come from?” You said.

“Oh sure,” I explained “I come from somewhere. Somewhere else. And there are others like me. I know you’ll want to know what it’s like there, but honestly you wouldn’t understand.”

“Oh,” you said, a little let down. “But wait. If I get reincarnated to other places in time, I could have interacted with myself at some point.”

“Sure. Happens all the time. And with both lives only aware of their own lifespan you don’t even know it’s happening.”

“So what’s the point of it all?”

“Seriously?” I asked. “Seriously? You’re asking me for the meaning of life? Isn’t that a little stereotypical?”

“Well it’s a reasonable question,” you persisted.

I looked you in the eye. “The meaning of life, the reason I made this whole universe, is for you to mature.”

“You mean mankind? You want us to mature?”

“No, just you. I made this whole universe for you. With each new life you grow and mature and become a larger and greater intellect.”

“Just me? What about everyone else?”

“There is no one else,” I said. “In this universe, there’s just you and me.”

You stared blankly at me. “But all the people on earth…”

“All you. Different incarnations of you.”

“Wait. I’m everyone!?”

“Now you’re getting it,” I said, with a congratulatory slap on the back.

“I’m every human being who ever lived?”

“Or who will ever live, yes.”

“I’m Abraham Lincoln?”

“And you’re John Wilkes Booth, too,” I added.

“I’m Hitler?” You said, appalled.

“And you’re the millions he killed.”

“I’m Jesus?”

“And you’re everyone who followed him.”

You fell silent.

“Every time you victimized someone,” I said, “you were victimizing yourself. Every act of kindness you’ve done, you’ve done to yourself. Every happy and sad moment ever experienced by any human was, or will be, experienced by you.”

You thought for a long time.

“Why?” You asked me. “Why do all this?”

“Because someday, you will become like me. Because that’s what you are. You’re one of my kind. You’re my child.”

“Whoa,” you said, incredulous. “You mean I’m a god?”

“No. Not yet. You’re a fetus. You’re still growing. Once you’ve lived every human life throughout all time, you will have grown enough to be born.”

“So the whole universe,” you said, “it’s just…”

“An egg.” I answered. “Now it’s time for you to move on to your next life.”

And I sent you on your way. [x]

Food for thought, eh?