Thursday, November 8, 2007

Gay Questions For Straight People

1. Do you believe in gay marriage?
2. Do you believe people are born gay?
3. What about the men who come out of prison... "gay?" Were they already gay to begin with?
4. Do you think you can "become" gay through experimenting?
5. What would you do if you found out your child was gay?
6. Do you believe in bisexuality?
7. Why are women more likely to engage in sexual "gay" acts than men?
8. Is it possible to engage in "gay sexual acts" and not be gay?
9. Are you homophobic?
10. Should gay parents be able to adopt?


  1. Can gay people answer these too? LOL

    1. Do you believe in gay marriage?
    - Actually no, I don't agree with any marriage, gay, straight, bi, whatever. I believe "marriage" is more of a religious thing.

    2. Do you believe people are born gay?
    -Yeah, I do. I didn't realise I was gay until I'm 15. I actually looked at a guy and thought to myself, without realising what I was doing, "wow, he's cute". It only dawned on me a while later that I was gay.

    3. What about the men who come out of prison… “gay?” Were they already gay to begin with?
    -From what I believe, prisons are usually just one gender in them, and straight men have an urge for sex. I think that when a man has anal sex with another prison inmate, either of them might like it. So, it's not really becoming gay, more finding out they are bisexual.

    4. Do you think you can “become” gay through experimenting?
    -Question 3 sort of answers that. It's like saying you don't like the taste of an orange, yet you've never had an orange. Then when you do have your first orange, you like it. So, it's more oblivion that "becoming".

    5. What would you do if you found out your child was gay?
    - How does that change who they are? I don't understand why parents can make such a big deal about it, to be honest. If I was a straight parent, I wouldn't make a big deal about it and support them in any way I could.

    6. Do you believe in bisexuality?
    -For me, personally, I find men attractive, yet, I could see myself having sex with a woman, just for pleasure and not love. So, it's possible depending on the person.

    7. Why are women more likely to engage in sexual “gay” acts than men?
    - Are they? Did you forget "straight" before "women" and "men? Men have bigger egos. They are "too proud" of their straight-ness to kiss a guy. BUT, if a man is 100% comfortable with his sexuality, it shouldn't matter.

    8. Is it possible to engage in “gay sexual acts” and not be gay?
    -Are we talking about just sex, or sex and love, or just love? For sex only, yes. For love, no.

    9. Are you homophobic?
    -No, I'm racist to homophobic people.

    10. Should gay parents be able to adopt?
    -Why not? Think about it. How many times is there an unexpected pregnancy? With gay men, the baby/child is ALWAYS wanted.

  2. Reblogged this on Ruckus Random Ramblings™ and commented:
    My comment for this is still pending, but here it is:

  3. Yes,
    Not sure...maybe they aren't really gay.
    support and love them - it is no big deal to me!
    I have no idea
    Yes - I think there are some men who just like a blow job and will take it from who ever gives it. My ex husband once said to me "I don't care if you are a man or woman, just give me a blow job." I don't think he is really gay. I think he is messed up.
    most definitely!
