Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Bill O'Reilly, "We Don't Want To Normalize Homosexuality"

Bill O'Reilly took time during one of his recent shows to discuss the Illinois lesbian couple voted "cutest couple" at their high school.

O'Reilly believes the students at the school voted for the girls because the student body - as a whole - wanted to play a prank on the teachers and administrators of the school.

He said, "the kids voted...this couple the cutest couple to tweak the adults...to cause trouble, to make an issue of the yearbook."

Panelist Dr. Laura Berman - who teaches psychiatry at Northwestern University - responded:

"I don't think that this is necessarily completely about them (the students) trying to tweak the adults and trying to be provocative. I think this is about - and we've seen this in other high schools, as well, it's starting to become at least a small trend, if not a large one, that homosexuality is becoming, thankfully, more normalized, because this is the time in adolescence that kids are exploring their sexuality and in fact starting to identify what their sexual orientation is."

Media Matters published the entire transcript. Here's just a portion:

O'REILLY: ...we don't want to normalize homosexuality in a public way in an academic setting, high school, among minors. We don't think that reflects...


O'REILLY: ...how we feel about it. Well, for a number of reasons. One, social. It's much more difficult to be homosexual than a heterosexual in America. Two, religious. There are people who believe that that kind
of a life style...

In the clip below, O’Reilly talks about the national crisis of kids learning about sexuality. [x]

I can't stand Bill O'Reilly. I think he's an ignorant racist who gets a kick out of making controversial statements to further his career and improve his ratings. And it works. It definitely works. But his ignorant shit doesn't fly with me.

First of all, I'd like you all to take a couple of minutes to read the actual transcript here.

O'REILLY: Look, Doctor, there's no reason why Brandy and Lupe had to declare themselves anything other than friends. They didn't have
to do that. They chose to do that.

BERMAN: If they're in love -- but they have the same right to do that as any heterosexual couple does.

O'REILLY: It's not a matter -- it's a matter of appropriateness. That's what it's a matter of.

Appropriateness? What about equality? What about letting these two girls be? He clearly mentions in the interview that he would not have a problem if two straight folks would've been elected as "cutest couple," because "that's the norm." But since being gay is not "normal," he finds it inappropriate that the student body voted for two lesbians instead. He goes on to say that "homosexual behavior" should not be encouraged.

Gays should just hide and remain unheard of. Don't fight for your rights, don't take a stand in what you believe in and God forbid you show any pride in yourself because it makes others uncomfortable and because unfortunately gays are just not "normal." Get the fuck out of here with that shit. The number of contradictory statements Mr. O'Reilly makes in his little chat with Laura Berman only prove that he has no idea what's he's talking about. No idea whatsoever.

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