Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Random Music News

This is the album cover for Rihanna's upcoming album, Rated R. It's very Grace Jones, but I like it. The girl looks like she's going to take the good girl gone bad theme to the extreme with this next album. The first single, Russian Roulette, debuts at #100 this week on Billboard's Hot 100 Chart.

Shakira is looking gorgeous on the cover of the new issue of Rollingstone Magazine. She's currently filming the video for her new single Give It Up To Me which features Lil Wayne.

And for all my Beyonce fans, Sweet Dreams has officially hit top 10 (#10) on the Billboard Hot 100, making it her fourth top ten off of I Am... Sasha Fierce. To date, Beyonce has had 13 songs go top 10, not including the 10 she had with Destiny's Child.

Stay tuned for the new Video Phone remix video (directed by Hype Williams) which will feature Lady Gaga, as well as a new track Telephone which is rumored to be the second single off of Lady Gaga's re-release The Fame: Monster.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Rihanna's New Single "Russian Roulette"

The wait is indeed ova, but that is (apparently) not the name of her single. Russian Roulette, the first single off her upcoming album Rated R, was produced & penned by Ne-Yo (who's written some of her hit singles such as Take a Bow and Unfaithful).

The video, which was shot this past weekend, was directed by Anthony Mandler.

You can listen to the song [here].

I think her new look is hot (that single cover is to die for), the song is fresh & this new album is going to be insane! While the girl isn't exactly the best performer (that's an understatement), or the best singer or even a songwriter, she does know her limits and plays to her strengths really well. She knows what songs work for her, how important her image/fashion is and how hot her videos have to be in order for the public to pay attention to her. Most importantly, the girl is taking risks. This is the same girl who first popped into the scene with that little PG13ish dance hall song called Pon De Replay. Now the girl is releasing songs that are borderline bizarre and might even garner protests from suicide prevention groups. But it's all for the better, the girl is slowly proving that while she might not have the talent of her contemporaries, she doesn't necessarily need it.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Alicia Keys "Doesn't Mean Anything" Video

For one, she looks gorgeous. Simply stunning. And the song, I love it. As for the video... meh, it's cool I guess, I kept expecting a plot of some sort which never came. Hopefully the song is a big hit for her. The video was directed by P.R. Brown. Her upcoming album, The Element of Freedom, will be in stores December 1st.

Preview of Rihanna Shooting Video for New Single "The Wait is Ova"

Rihanna didn't disappoint with her last album, Good Girl Gone Bad. With the exception of Shut Up & Drive (my least favorite song and single on the album), she really delivered quality singles and videos. She has a lot to live up to with this new album and I really hope she can do it. As for the new single, The Wait is Ova, it sounds rather Urban-ish and dark, and I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad one. Still, the video looks like it's going to be KILLER!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Preview of Shakira's New "Did It Again" Video

I like it! It's fresh & it looks like the video is going to be good. I just don't like the way they're handling her album this time around. The promo (and release dates) has been kind of messy and she's not delivering the hits like she used to. Mhm.. we shall see.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

What's the name of this (old) TV show?

I remember I used to love this show! Does anyone remember the name of it?

Leona Lewis "Happy" Video

I love the video, which was directed by none other than Jake Nava. I seem to love most of his videos (Single Ladies, Crazy In Love, She Wolf) and I'm surprised his work hasn't become repetitive (yet). Anyhow, as for Leona, the song is very generic and sappy, but then again, so was her entire debut album. Let's see how Leona does the second time around!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Preview of Alicia Key's "Doesn't Mean Anything" Video

She looks gorgeous! I actually like the song a lot and I'm surprised it hasn't blow up already! Her fourth album, The Element of Freedom hits stores December 1st.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Pink's "I Don't Believe You" Video

The beautiful video was directed by Cole Walliser (not Sophie Muller like so many sources are reporting) which is set to be the sixth single (in the U.K.) released off her album Funhouse. No word yet on when and if the single will be released in the U.S.

I love the simplicity of this video. The song is so powerful, while the video is so simple yet moving. If there's any Pop star that knows how to deliver dark, sad & heart wrenching videos, it's Pink. And it still surprises me, almost 10 years later, that the girl can still write, sing and perform the way she does and STILL be underrated. And while I doubt this song is going to be huge hit (if released) in the states, as a fan I am happy that she took a risk & released a ballad instead of the usual radio friendly uptempo singles. Job well done Ms. Moore.

Monday, October 12, 2009

100,000+ Hits!

Wow. 100,000+ unique visitors have visited this blog since it opened about three years ago. And while the purpose of this blog was always to entertain, inform and arouse (hehe *winks*), it makes me so incredibly happy that you guys have stuck around and have made a site that you visit!

My blog has opened so many doors for me and for that I can't thank you guys enough. And me, being a college senior and all, I apologize that my updates haven't been as frequent as they used to be & that is something that will very soon change! I have so much planned for this site (honestly), so many interviews, so many exclusive photoshoots, and just so much eye candy & entertainment headed your way that your asses better NOT go anywhere. You ain't seen NOTHING yet. =]

This site isn't going anywhere. Hopefully it won't be long before I'm celebrating the site's 500,000 hits! Thank you guys again for sticking around. Here's to many, many more posts, visitors, comments and entertainment!

Much ♥,
- Santo

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P.S. As always, if there's anything you guys would like to suggest/comment/recommend, please let me know! Do you guys mind that the blog is hosted on LiveJournal? What kind of posts/content would you like to see on this blog? Drop me a comment below!

Monday, October 5, 2009

[Rec] 2

The first [Rec] is probably one of the best horror films I've seen in the last five years. Yes, it was that good. The Spanish film managed to spawn a very, very bad English remake by the name of Quarantine, which surprisingly so, performed pretty well at the box office.

Anyhow, [Rec] 2 was released this past Friday in Spain and the reviews have been really, really good. No word yet as to when (and if) the U.S. will get a theatrical release.

In the meantime, do yourself a favor and watch [Rec].