Wednesday, April 8, 2009

25 Of The World's Strangest Laws

Abide these kooky rules from around the globe, and your travels will be all the safer.

1. It's illegal to kiss on railways in France.

2. Patrons are not expected to pay for food at an inn in Denmark unless they are full.

3. A man may not stand up to go to the washroom after 10 p.m. in Switzerland.

4. Don't imitate any animals in Miami; it's illegal.

5. It's illegal to shout offensive words in public in Mexico.

6. Beware when collecting stones or shells from nationally protected beaches. You can be caught at the airport for smuggling or removing archaeologically valuable treasures.

7. Taxi drivers in Finland must pay royalties on music if they play songs for paying customers.

8. It's illegal to sing in public in Florida if you're wearing a swimsuit.

9. If you're driving in Utah, be aware that birds always have the right of way on highways.

10. Electronic games are banned in Greece.

11. Failure to flush a public toilet in Singapore after use may result in a fine.

12. It is illegal for cabs in London to carry rabid dogs or corpses.

13. A man may be arrested for wearing a skirt in Italy.

14. Taxis in Queensland, Australia are required to carry a bale of hay. This is a throwback to the days of horse travel.

15. If you're visiting a Canadian destination, be aware that you aren't allowed to pay for a fifty-cent item with only pennies.

16. It's illegal to be drunk and in possession of a cow in Scotland.

17. Wearing combat or camouflaged clothing is illegal in Barbados.

18. A fine of $25 can be levied for flirting in New York City.

19. If you're caught masturbating in Indonesia, the penalty will be decapitation.

20. In South Africa, young people in bathing suits must not sit closer than 30 cm together.

21. Anyone found breaking an egg at the sharp end in England will be sentenced to 24 hours in the stocks.

22. Unmarried women who parachute on Sunday can be arrested in Florida.

23. Water guns may not be used in New Year's celebrations in Cambodia.

24. A pregnant woman visiting the UK can legally relieve herself anywhere she wants – even in a policeman's hat if she requests.

25. It's illegal to drive a camel on a highway in Nevada. [x]

How weird are these laws? Some of these laws are so specific they're absurd. Have any of you ever been fined for something like this? I know a friend of mine got a ticket for taking up two seats on a public bus. Weird, eh?

More dumb laws here.

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