Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Lady Gaga's Interview with Barbara Walters

I love this woman. Hottest chick in the game right now, without a doubt. I have to admit though, I haven't been listening to her album that much since Rihanna's Rated R has been occupying all of my listening time (yes, I love her album THAT much). I'm going to give The Fame: Monster a couple of more listens this weekend before I make my final judgment. According to Ms. Gaga, she's going to released another three or four singles off the album, so if 2009 was any indication, get ready for Gaga in 2010 because she's going in!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Rihanna Wants to Put Tila Tequila & Tiffany Evans on Mute

Uh oh, it's about to get ugly. Click here to see what I'm talking about.

And the girls have already responded:

Tiffany Evans:

Ever statements I made about the industry was not geared towards Rihanna in any type of way. What I said about RussianR was blown way out &

I have never said any of the things these blogsites have said that I said such as her being a devil worskshipper,RR being satanic and all of

The other nonsense,that came along with it.So being a human I would be offended if someone had said those things about me,especially if it's

Not true.Even though some of you may take me as a kid...I am not and I do not participate in childish things.Everyone around me knows that.

So to Rihanna as young woman with total respect I apologize for the huge misunderstanding.

In this industry thing are always misunderstood or taken way out of context. So relax,this type of "ish" always happens.

Oh one more thing, about her calling me out with remote thing on Big Boi. LOL I thought it was funny. Too bad I can SANG! Lmao.

Who the hell is Tiffany Evans? That Promise Ring chick? Word.

Tila Tequila:
Well, Well, Well, What do we have here today? Wow!!!!!

So I woke up early this morning because I have to get ready to pack to catch an early flight out of town , and I get a google alert with my name with Rihanna! So of course, I was interested on what the hell would Rihanna have to say about ME??? ME?? Really Rihanna?? Ok...but anyway before I actually read what she had to say about me, my first reaction was,

"Awww how cool! Rihanna is talking about me! She must be talking about how more women who have been in Domestic Violence cases should really support one another!"

I only thought she might have said something like that because recently TMZ asked me about Rihanna and I said that I have nothing against her but that it would send out a nice message if she could speak out about her case and give other victims more hope & feel like they are not alone. I said that in a good intention....but ANYWAYYYYY......I was wrong. Rihanna acutally said the total opposite! Sooooo in that case, You guys know me well by now, and you KNOW, that once somebody s with me of gets on my shitlist, You will NOT be hearing the end of me! TRUST!

Rihanna did an interview at a huge LA local radio station, Big Boy and the Morning Show, and had this to say about me (I tried to embed the MP3 Player here but It wasn't working so here is link to it:


SO after I listed to Rihanna bad mouthing me, my first reaction was "WOW! WHAT A BITCH! AND A TOTAL LIAR! WOWWWW!"

But this is not the reason for me blogging about her. I'm not upset that she would give me some free press talking about me on the radio, so thanks RiRi for shouting me out! =)

No, the reason I am GOING INNNNN on her and about to tell the world her DIRTY LITTLE SECRET(told from sources close to Rihanna's camp), is because she knows there's been a lot of controversy about me being "Allergic to Alcohol" but at this point, who the cares! SO here we go.


RiRi....babygirl....First of all, I have NEVER been to ANY AMA Award why are you lying about that? However, I DO remember seeing you at the MTV MUSIC AWARDS, so maybe that's the one you were talking about, but who knows, you probably don't remember because you're so full of yourself and always drunk so I don't blame u for getting confused.

Second of all, you said that you saw me backstage with a drink in my hand? Wow, Im shocked! Cuz from what I can recall, you were so busy being a DIVA backstage and being SO RUDE TO EVERYONE, with your 10 people entourage and Security guards, having people run back and fourth driving them mad, with all your diva and rude behavior! Acting as though you were the biggest star at the MTV MUSIC AWARDS! And as for me? Yes, of course I am no where near you as far as musical Success, and I give u Props for that. I even liked a few of your songs like "Disturbia" and thought your live performance was pretty sexy, even though you sing REALLY OFF KEY when u sing live, but at least you're not lip-singing! Props for that! So back to what I was saying, U said u saw me backstage with a drink in my hand? First of all, how do u know it wasn't just a coca cola?? Majority of my fans KNOW, that I LOVE grape soda, coca cola, and sunkist sodas. So yes, I had I drink in my hand and it was a coca cola. But WTF does that have to do with you?? U were so busy backstage being such a diva, one of your security guards almost pushed me and my manager over just cuz you were walking by! WOW!!!!!!! RUDE! & who are you to condemn anyone for drinking when ur drunk ass is out everynight wasted. Such as these photos, some of thousands of you drunk....but do u see me ever making remarks about u being wasted before? NOPE! So whatever ...

So here comes the good part. You want to get on my shitlist? Well congrats hunny, you have officially made it on my shitlist & this is what close sources has told me:


Wow, I'm sorry girlfriend, but you were cool until u decided to open up your mouth about me so I have no choice. Everyone in the entertainment industry knows, you just do not with Tila Tequila and think you can get away with it! Even Perez Hilton knows that(that's another inside story I have about him & myself, but I will post about that in another blog).

So everyone, yes.....I heard from legit sources, that is the HUGE SECRET our prestine, perfect little Princess RiRi, the "IDOL" has been hiding from the media. A very close source of mine, who works in the same legal camp as Rihanna, has told me that the reason why Rihanna wasn't speaking out about the CHRIS BROWN incident is because there was a catch 22 in it. Rihanna has herpes, and....well......I don't wanna put anyone else on blast, but Rihanna has herpes and gave someone else herpes that she had slept with.


So while you cascade around town, acting like yo shit don't stink, and leading the media and your fans into thinking that you are a strong woman, and idol,'s a shame you had to trick them into thinking you are, because truth is, you're ruining other people's lives, infecting people with your STD's, and walking around getting praised and loving the sympathy, when really, in real life you are just a major who could give 2 shits about your fans and all the people who have been supporting you! Including myself! You dont even acknowledge your fans, you know, the people who got you famous??? Yes....those people. THE FANS! The ones that I, myself, acknowledge 247 all the time because if it weren't for my fans, I would not be here today! I love my fans, I don't lie to my fans to make them like me more, and everyone knows it. I have my flaws, but I put it out there, and I let my fans decide on whether they agree with the things I do or not. Im real, and I don't care what anyone has to say about me. All I do is mind my own business, and play with my fans.

But since you're still cascading around town like you're a prefect little princess, angel.....honey I hate to burst your bubbles.....but yes....yo shit really do stink, and even worse.....yo shit has STD's, known as HERPES, down in your private area.

So.....that's about it. Sorry I had to tell the world your DIRTY SECRET, but you left me no choice girlfriend. I knew about your secret for A VERY LONG TIME, but I never told anyone because that was not my business......but since you wanna play dirty with best believe I will give it to you good girlfriend! POW!

Rihanna has STD's and Herpes everyone! & that is the truth from my legit source that has told me. YIKES! So boys, be careful when u wanna tap that ass, cuz that ass will give your dick Herpes if you dont put 3 condoms over it! EWWW!



Ms. Tila-You-Don't-Fuck-With-Me-Tequila

PS-yes, I understand you have a MASSIVELY powerful team behind you such as JAY-Z and all those guys so you feel safe & keep cascading around town knowing that everything wrong you do, will be covered up. I give u props for having such a great PR FIRM. U see? This sucks that I had to call you out cuz now Jay-Z, Kanye, Beyonce or whoever else is on your team is gonna hate me, and that sucks cuz I LOVEEEEE Jay-Z and Beyonce! They are my heros! But I am willing to sacrifice them hating me now because of what you did. I need to be honest and stay true to who I am, and stay real with my fans.

Whoa, too long to read. My question is, is it that serious?

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but you have to be ready for the consequences when you say things that might offend somebody. I personally don't see anything wrong with what Rihanna said. Tila and Tiffany have been talking crap about her, and she felt the need to address it. Most of us would've done the same shit or worse. The only problem is that the girls are D-List celebrities and she probably would've been better off not even entertaining the argument. A simple "Tiffany who?" would've been more effective. But hey, who am I to say how you should respond to someone talking crap about you. Do you girl.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

New York Gay Marriage Bill Rejected

New York lawmakers rejected a bill Wednesday that would have made their state the sixth to allow gay marriage, disheartening advocates already stung by a similar decision by Maine voters just last month.

The New York measure failed by a wider margin than expected, falling 12 votes short in a 24-38 decision by the state Senate. The Assembly had earlier approved the bill, and Gov. David Paterson, perhaps the bill's strongest advocate, had pledged to sign it... [x]

SMH. We shouldn't even be having this debate at this day & age. It's a damn shame that in 2009 we are still fighting to have the same rights as everyone else. *sighs* I guess this is just another obstacle that we shall soon overcome. I hope that in my lifetime, I get to see equality for all in the United States of America.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Rihanna's Interview on Hot 97

Say what you want, but I'm in love with this woman. Yea, she's not the best singer (or dancer or performer, for that matter) in the world but she creates great music & is intriguing enough to make me like her. I am in love with her new album Rated R. The girl is stepping it up, little by little. The interview is cute & I love her sense of humor. Though I must say, I don't think she was completely honest when she said she doesn't like girls, though she "entertains them." Hehe.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Aventura's "Dile Al Amor" Video

This song has been in heavy rotation for a few months now and I just knew it was going to be a single from the moment I first listened to it. The video is your typical Aventura video (pretty girl, silly love story plot & random scenes of the group dancing) with a little twist. The song should be another huge hit for them as it follows in the footsteps of some of their previous smash singles.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Rihanna's "Russian Roulette" & "Wait Your Turn" Videos

Russian Roulette

I know I'm a little late but who cares. Rihanna has released the highly anticipated video for Russian Roulette, and boy oh boy is it good! While the actual plot is up for interpretation, the visuals, setting & mood of the video are extremely dark & almost psychotic, and though I was left a bit confused upon watching the video, I was definitely intrigued. The song is stellar. The video is fantastic. Yes, we've seen Rihanna do the whole dark & twisted videos before (Disturbia, Run This Town) but she does it so damn good and convincing each and every single time. Anthony Mandler (the director) and Rihanna have an excellent working relationship, which is evident by the great quality of videos they've made.

Wait Your Turn

In this industry there are people who can saaaang and then there are those who can't. Many would say falls somewhere in the middle. But at the end of the day, whether you can sing, sang or not, what separates you from the rest is how good of an artist you are, and how well you can work with what you got. Some of the most "talented" artists of our time aren't vocally talented. Yet, they managed to stay relevant and sell one multi-platinum record after another due to their rare ability to reinvent themselves, take risks and remain interesting to the public. I think Rihanna has that ability and if she plays her cards right, she will be well on her way to reaching the level of superstardom that so many artists work so hard for, but never achieve.

Rihanna's new album has leaked, and based on the reviews I've read so far, she has taken a huge risk by taking a completely different direction from the mainstream-friendly, dance-heavy pop songs featured on Good Girl Gone Bad to this new dark, angry & depressive sound. And judging by the way things are looking, this new direction is about to pay off.

Alicia Key's "Try Sleeping With a Broken Heart" Video

Apparently today everyone & their momma is releasing a new video. The latest is from Alicia Keys and let me just say that this is my current anthem. I play this freakin' song EVERY SINGLE DAY. Geez. It's been a while since I've heard a song that I've connected with on some emotional level. So you can imagine my excitement when I saw that the video had finally premiered?! Err.

Why, oh why, must you release these shitty ass videos? Whatever happened to videos like Fallin and If I Ain't Got U? Can someone explain to me the concept of this video? She walks down the street, revives a dog, rides a purple-laser-shooting motorcycle, flies to the roof of some building (looking quite stunning, I must add), flies back down, touches some guy's face and then rides away on her motorcycle; the end. This is the second lackluster video in a row Alicia. Another one & I'm out.

Shakira's "Give It Up To Me" Video

The video won't embed, so click [here] to watch it.

This has got to be one of her worst videos ever. The only thing I liked about the video was the choreography, the dancing and how beautiful she looked. Other than that, it doesn't looked like she had much of a budget to shoot the video. Lil Wayne's appearance wasn't needed and I really don't know how I feel about this song, as it sounds more like something off of Nelly Furtado's Loose than anything on Shakira's long and diverse catalog. If She Wolf didn't achieve the level of success it was supposed to achieve, then I don't think Give It Up To Me has any chance in hell.

Check out Shakira's international second single, Did It Again, which is a much better song and has an excellent video.

Beyonce's "Video Phone" Video Featuring Lady Gaga (HQ)

Finally! Finally Beyonce. You have delivered a high quality video, up there with some of your best. Yes, I like it THAT much. Part of it feels like Check on It Part Deux, while the other half evidently pays tribute to the Kill Bill films. Whatever the case may be, I think the video is great. I know that opinions, especially when it comes to Beyonce, vary tremendously. Some said that Single Ladies was one of Beyonce's worst videos ever & look at the phenomenon it became. This video (which was directed by Hype Williams by the way) should help the single achieve some moderate level of success, at the least. Lady Gaga's appearance is cute but that's all it is. I don't really see the purpose of her being in the video (or song for that matter)other than to garner a lot of publicity for this A star collabo. I'm interested to see what Lady Gaga's video for Telephone (her next single) is going to be like as Beyonce is going to be playing in HER field.

Not much else to say. The video is hot. The song is a banger. The song/video's vibe takes me back to the B'Day era, when I used to jam to the likes of Kitty Kat and Get Me Bodied. If all goes well, this song will follow their footsteps and become another one of Beyonce's many, many, anthems. Uh uhhhhhhh...

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Beyonce & Lady Gaga's "Telephone" and "Video Phone Remix"

The day has arrived. Well not quite, the video hasn't premiered yet, but the songs have! I have not only one, but TWO new leaked Beyonce & Lady Gaga collaborations that are going to be tearing up the charts in a few weeks. I am LOVING the Video Phone Remix, and judging by the (new) breaks in the song, the video is going to be EPIC. As for Telephone, I can see why they're going with this as the next single for Lady Gaga's upcoming re-release of The Fame. Complete and total hotness; the industry's two biggest divas unite for total and utter epicness. Shit.


Video Phone Remix

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Lady Gaga's New "Bad Romance" Video

Brilliant. The fashion in this video is impeccable & the dancing is so weird it's intriguing. Man, this woman is unstoppable. All of her videos have been on point, her singles have all gone top five and her album is great and the re-release is shaping up to be even better. I'm hooked on Gaga right now, the woman is on fire! The video is hot! And while Paparazzi is still my favorite Lady Gaga video, this isn't too far behind. Job well done to Lady Gaga and the director, Francis Lawrence. Lady Gaga is delivering some of the best videos I have seen in years. Brilliant.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Rihanna's "Wait Your Turn" Single Cover

The photo was shot by Ellen Von Unwerth. Fierce!

Nelly Furtado's New "Mas" Video

I love it. I love the song, I love the video, I love it all. I love the continuity from her previous video, Manos Al Aire. Shoot, I think I'm going to have to buy this album. Job well done Nelly Furtado, you stay impressing me.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Beyonce Performs "Sweet Dreams" at the EMAs

Great performance! About time she performed the song. This is what she should've done at the VMAs. It was a bit short though but still hot! Now where the hell is that Video Phone video that was supposed to premiere today? Mhmph.

Rihanna Speaks on Chris Brown Abuse

She seemed genuinely honest and sad. And I liked her comment about looking at the relationship/incident from a 3rd person perspective, because love can indeed be blind. I wish her all the best and I'm happy that she's finally talking about the situation.

Trey Songz's "I Invented Sex" Video

Oh, my, God. This man is going to make me go crazy. Now THAT is what I call a sexy ass video. Wooof! Lord have mercy. Take a look for yourself!

The video was directed by Yolande Geralds.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Jay-z's "Empire State of Mind" Video

Jay-z has a very impressive catalog of videos and this one isn't any different. The video, which was directed by Hype Williams, is great and brings me back to the classic Hip Hop videos of the 90's. The song is getting a bit played out for me but it's stellar nonetheless. I can't think of another rapper who's been out for as long as Jay-z and remained as consistent.

50 Cent's New "Baby By Me" Video Featuring Kelly Rowland

I really, really like this video! It's so simple and sexy. Kelly Rowland looks gorgeous and they both looked good together. As for the song itself, seems like 50 Cent has finally got himself another hit!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Random Music News

This is the album cover for Rihanna's upcoming album, Rated R. It's very Grace Jones, but I like it. The girl looks like she's going to take the good girl gone bad theme to the extreme with this next album. The first single, Russian Roulette, debuts at #100 this week on Billboard's Hot 100 Chart.

Shakira is looking gorgeous on the cover of the new issue of Rollingstone Magazine. She's currently filming the video for her new single Give It Up To Me which features Lil Wayne.

And for all my Beyonce fans, Sweet Dreams has officially hit top 10 (#10) on the Billboard Hot 100, making it her fourth top ten off of I Am... Sasha Fierce. To date, Beyonce has had 13 songs go top 10, not including the 10 she had with Destiny's Child.

Stay tuned for the new Video Phone remix video (directed by Hype Williams) which will feature Lady Gaga, as well as a new track Telephone which is rumored to be the second single off of Lady Gaga's re-release The Fame: Monster.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Rihanna's New Single "Russian Roulette"

The wait is indeed ova, but that is (apparently) not the name of her single. Russian Roulette, the first single off her upcoming album Rated R, was produced & penned by Ne-Yo (who's written some of her hit singles such as Take a Bow and Unfaithful).

The video, which was shot this past weekend, was directed by Anthony Mandler.

You can listen to the song [here].

I think her new look is hot (that single cover is to die for), the song is fresh & this new album is going to be insane! While the girl isn't exactly the best performer (that's an understatement), or the best singer or even a songwriter, she does know her limits and plays to her strengths really well. She knows what songs work for her, how important her image/fashion is and how hot her videos have to be in order for the public to pay attention to her. Most importantly, the girl is taking risks. This is the same girl who first popped into the scene with that little PG13ish dance hall song called Pon De Replay. Now the girl is releasing songs that are borderline bizarre and might even garner protests from suicide prevention groups. But it's all for the better, the girl is slowly proving that while she might not have the talent of her contemporaries, she doesn't necessarily need it.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Alicia Keys "Doesn't Mean Anything" Video

For one, she looks gorgeous. Simply stunning. And the song, I love it. As for the video... meh, it's cool I guess, I kept expecting a plot of some sort which never came. Hopefully the song is a big hit for her. The video was directed by P.R. Brown. Her upcoming album, The Element of Freedom, will be in stores December 1st.

Preview of Rihanna Shooting Video for New Single "The Wait is Ova"

Rihanna didn't disappoint with her last album, Good Girl Gone Bad. With the exception of Shut Up & Drive (my least favorite song and single on the album), she really delivered quality singles and videos. She has a lot to live up to with this new album and I really hope she can do it. As for the new single, The Wait is Ova, it sounds rather Urban-ish and dark, and I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad one. Still, the video looks like it's going to be KILLER!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Preview of Shakira's New "Did It Again" Video

I like it! It's fresh & it looks like the video is going to be good. I just don't like the way they're handling her album this time around. The promo (and release dates) has been kind of messy and she's not delivering the hits like she used to. Mhm.. we shall see.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

What's the name of this (old) TV show?

I remember I used to love this show! Does anyone remember the name of it?

Leona Lewis "Happy" Video

I love the video, which was directed by none other than Jake Nava. I seem to love most of his videos (Single Ladies, Crazy In Love, She Wolf) and I'm surprised his work hasn't become repetitive (yet). Anyhow, as for Leona, the song is very generic and sappy, but then again, so was her entire debut album. Let's see how Leona does the second time around!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Preview of Alicia Key's "Doesn't Mean Anything" Video

She looks gorgeous! I actually like the song a lot and I'm surprised it hasn't blow up already! Her fourth album, The Element of Freedom hits stores December 1st.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Pink's "I Don't Believe You" Video

The beautiful video was directed by Cole Walliser (not Sophie Muller like so many sources are reporting) which is set to be the sixth single (in the U.K.) released off her album Funhouse. No word yet on when and if the single will be released in the U.S.

I love the simplicity of this video. The song is so powerful, while the video is so simple yet moving. If there's any Pop star that knows how to deliver dark, sad & heart wrenching videos, it's Pink. And it still surprises me, almost 10 years later, that the girl can still write, sing and perform the way she does and STILL be underrated. And while I doubt this song is going to be huge hit (if released) in the states, as a fan I am happy that she took a risk & released a ballad instead of the usual radio friendly uptempo singles. Job well done Ms. Moore.

Monday, October 12, 2009

100,000+ Hits!

Wow. 100,000+ unique visitors have visited this blog since it opened about three years ago. And while the purpose of this blog was always to entertain, inform and arouse (hehe *winks*), it makes me so incredibly happy that you guys have stuck around and have made a site that you visit!

My blog has opened so many doors for me and for that I can't thank you guys enough. And me, being a college senior and all, I apologize that my updates haven't been as frequent as they used to be & that is something that will very soon change! I have so much planned for this site (honestly), so many interviews, so many exclusive photoshoots, and just so much eye candy & entertainment headed your way that your asses better NOT go anywhere. You ain't seen NOTHING yet. =]

This site isn't going anywhere. Hopefully it won't be long before I'm celebrating the site's 500,000 hits! Thank you guys again for sticking around. Here's to many, many more posts, visitors, comments and entertainment!

Much ♥,
- Santo

[Twitter] [Tumblr]

P.S. As always, if there's anything you guys would like to suggest/comment/recommend, please let me know! Do you guys mind that the blog is hosted on LiveJournal? What kind of posts/content would you like to see on this blog? Drop me a comment below!

Monday, October 5, 2009

[Rec] 2

The first [Rec] is probably one of the best horror films I've seen in the last five years. Yes, it was that good. The Spanish film managed to spawn a very, very bad English remake by the name of Quarantine, which surprisingly so, performed pretty well at the box office.

Anyhow, [Rec] 2 was released this past Friday in Spain and the reviews have been really, really good. No word yet as to when (and if) the U.S. will get a theatrical release.

In the meantime, do yourself a favor and watch [Rec].

Friday, September 25, 2009

Alicia Key's New Album

.. will be titled The Element of Freedom and it is scheduled for a December 1 release.

I like the album title, but what the hell does an album title mean nowadays? It's all about the content. And while Alicia Keys has delivered quality albums before (Diary of Alicia Keys), her last effort, in my opinion, was a big disappointment. Hopefully this new album doesn't follow the same fate. And surprisingly so, her new single, Doesn't Mean Anything, has grown on me tremendously. I'm excited for this new project and hopefully Ms. Keys won't disappoint.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tyra Show: Gay Exorcism

Please be warned that some of the content featured on this video is extremely upsetting, ignorant and frustrating. It's hard for me to watch things like this because I, for one, am not going waste my time trying to comprehend someone else's ignorance. It's unbelievable how contradicting and hypocritical some religious people can be. Shit like this, breaks my heart. Ah...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Pink's New DVD & New Single

The DVD will be released sometime in October. I'll be seeing her live on October 5th at the Madison Square Garden. Hopefully, I'm allowed to take some photos.

In other Pink news, I Don't Believe You is set to be the next single off her platinum album, Funhouse. The video, which Pink described as "beautiful & painful," was shot this week by Cole Walliser. I'm probably in the minority, but I personally LOVE the song and I'm 100% happy about it being the next single. One of the things I like about Pink is the fact that she constantly switches things up. While the song might not perform as well (on the charts) as some of the uptempos featured on the album, I have no doubt in my mind that the video will be artistic and powerful and show us yet another layer in the ever-changing talent, known as Pink.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Meet Photographer Rober Ector

Name: Robert Ector
Age: 23
Location: Atlanta/New York/Los Angeles
Website: [Under Construction]

Meet Robert Ector. He's photographed many of your favorite celebs & top models, has had his work featured on Essence Magazine and BET and most impressively, has one of the industry's most talented photographers as his mentor (Derek Blanks). Check out this exclusive interview I had with the up & coming 23-year-old Atlanta photographer who's about to take the industry by storm.

Tell the readers a little bit about yourself, how did you get started and what exactly is it that you do.

I'm a 23 year old male born and semi-raised in Cleveland, Ohio. I am a photographer.

You were originally known as MOS Photography photography, now you're Robert Ector. Why the name change?

I initially started using that name when I was 17 years old. I was still wet behind the ears and knew very little about business. I then met a well known publicist years later who told me that I had a great birth name and that I needed to brand it. Shortly after, I started going by Robert Ector Photography.

I know you have a very talented team that helps you with your work. Tell us about them.

Ive been very blessed to work with some of the industries best artist. Some of them include makeup artist: Terrel Mullins (Nia Long, Eva Pigford), Saisha Beecham (Usher, Ciara), Reggie Dowdey (Keyshia Cole), Latasha Wright, Para Thomas, Toni Acey. Hair Stylist: Val Hamilton (Kerry Washington, Mary J. Blige) and Lee Barnes. I have not worked with many wardrobe stylist, because this whole journey has been one with my sister, Leah Taylor. She does 90% of my wardrobe, and plays a big part in my success!

How did you get your internship with photographer Derek Blanks?

I don't remember how it even happened, but one day I came across a photographer's website. It was Derek Blanks. This had to be about 3 years ago.

I thought his work was on a another level. I emailed him and asked to shadow him one day. I was not expecting a response, but he wrote me back and said I could come in anytime. That surprised me, because I thought to myself, "Why would he let me work with him"? Like a lot of people, I doubted myself and even though people had told me that my work was good and that I was talented, something was holding me back, so surprisingly, I never showed up.

I kicked myself for a whole year saying how I messed up. I gave it another try and emailed him again. This time he said all of his intern positions were filled. So at that point, I gave it up and just looked at it as a lost. Six months later, I received a Myspace message from Derek. He said he had somehow came across my page and liked my editing. He then said that he did not want to offend me, but wanted to know if I would mind doing some photo editing for him. I thought to myself, this could not be real, because there was no way that I could be offended.

After we finally met, he said he had no idea I was the same guy who had emailed him twice. So that was all God.

How is it working with Derek Blanks?

It's great. He is a good guy and like a brother. I owe a lot of my knowledge of photography to him. When people ask me what school I went to, I always joke and say Derek Blanks University!

Who inspires you?

A lot of people and things inspire me. Most would have to be my family. We all work hand and hand and try to inspire each other for the better.

How did you get your "big break"?

My "big break" was the first time I had ever shot a celebrity. That celebrity was Teairra Marie and this was back in 2005 when she had just got signed to Roc-A-Fella Records and was crowned the Princess Of The Roc. The photos were used for a magazine and a lot of people liked them.

What would you be doing (as a career) if you weren't photographing?

If I were not a photographer, I would be doing one of two things for sure. I have always liked children and teach at a photography summer camp every year. I have also always been fascinated with forensics and crime. So I would not mind being a Homicide Detective as well. I know teacher and Homicide detective do not coincide, but we would make it work.

Nikon or Canon?

Definitely Canon. No doubt about it.

Digital or film? Black & white or color?

I shoot digital. I learned how to develop film in school, but I hardly do it nowadays. When you develop in a dark room, it’s a beautiful thing though. As far as black and white or color; it really depends on what the image is. They both are great.

How would you describe your work?

I’m young, so I always like to incorporate youth into my work. You can always tell a photographers age, by his work. I like to mix that in with great moody clean lighting.

Who are some of your favorite photographers?

Some of my favorite photographers are Derek Blanks, David LaChapelle, Steven Klein and Gavin O’Neil. They are all top notch artist.

What's your favorite shoot you've done?

My favorite shoot would have to be a shoot I did with Eva Pigford and Lance Gross. We shot on a weekend and they were going to announce their engagement to the world on that Monday so they wanted some new pictures. We shot at their home and had some really beautiful images. Essence Magazine later ran them.

Of all the people you've worked with thus far, who was the friendliest? Most diva?

The coolest person I ever met was 50 Cent. I couldn’t believe how cool and down to earth he was. He was talking to us like we were homeboys for years. Fortunately, I have not run into any divas. Everyone I have worked with and been around have been very good people.

If you could photograph any three celebrities you wanted, who would they be & why?

My first celebrity would be Halle Berry. She is beautiful and I know without a doubt she could kill a beauty story. Next on my list would be Jay Z. He's always been a huge inspiration to me and his photos are always so controlled, that I would like to get some motion out of him. We could do something edgier than he's ever done before. Last would have to be his wife Beyonce, you know what? Some nice couple photos of them. There is none out and I wouldn’t mind being the first guy to ever photograph them as a couple.

As a photographer, what do you think of the industry right now?

It's very competitive. But I think that it's just like any other industry. At the end of the day, your talent and personality is what will bring you work. Nothing else, nothing more.

What's the hardest thing about being a photographer?

The hardest thing is not having a "down day". With most jobs, if you’re not feeling that well or just fell like relaxing, you can come in to work and slack off. With photography, no matter how you are feeling, your client is expecting the best shot possible. Each frame has to be great.

What is your greatest fear?

I don't have many, and especially none dealing with my job.

What is your biggest goal?
I would like to have my work published in some of the greatest magazines.

What's coming up for Robert Ector?

Next for me is a lot. My sister and I just opened our own photography studio a few months back. It’s been going great. It’s called Taylor-Ector Studios and we offer everything. It’s a one stop shop. Where fashion, beauty and photography collide.

10 years from now, Rober Ector...

.. will be 33. [Laughs] I chose not to set long term goals, because you only set yourself up for failure. I do not put a time limit or age on my greatness. What God has for me, will be for me wether it's 10 years from now or 20.

Any advice for up & coming photographers?

Find a great mentor or internship and take advantage of it. You have to make it what you want it to be. I interned with Derek Blanks for almost 2 years and learned a lot and met a lot of great people. Take advantage of what God puts in front of you.

Any last words.

My new website is under construction, but be sure to keep checking back for updates, Until then, you can check out my work at or on

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Raphael by Lee Studios

Check out these photos which were taken by my boy Mr. Lee Studios. I was at a shoot he did in the summer and boy oh boy is the man talented. Check out his new blog here.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Caliente o Frio: Harol Baez

Check out this shoot (appropriately titled Booty Shop) which was shot by one of my favorite photographers, Justin Monroe, and features the sexy ass up & coming Dominican model, Harol Baez. Hot or not?


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Keri Hilson's "Slow Dance" Video

I love the song but the video was just a big yawn fest for me. Womp womp.

Beyonce Performs "Diva" At Jay-Z Concert

I ♥ this chick. I can't wait to see her perform tonight at the VMAs.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Chace Crawford's "Wonderland" Magazine Editorial


Pretty impressive. I didn't know he had it in him.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Except from Tom Perrotta's "Little Children"

"Did anybody like this book?" Mary Ann screwed her face up into the look of offended disapproval Sarah knew so well. "Because I really just hated it. I mean, isn't it kind of depressing? She cheats on her husband with two different guys, wastes all his money, the kills herself with rat poison. It's a waste of time and it's depressing."

"It's supposed to be depressing," Josephine pointed out. "It's a tragedy. Emma's undone by a tragic flaw."

"What's her flaw?" Bridget inquired.

"Blindness," Josephine replied. "She can't see that the men are just using her."

"I found it refreshing to read about a woman reclaiming her sexuality," Alice said.

"She's a slut," Mary Ann revealed.

Then Sarah spoke.

"I'm tempted to say that in her own strange way, Emma Bovary... is a feminist. She's trapped. She can either accept a life of misery or struggle against it. She chooses to struggle."

"some struggle," said Mary Ann. "Jump in bed with every guy that says hello."

"She fails in the end," Sarah conceded. "But there's something beautiful and heroic in her rebellion."

"How convenient," observed Mary Ann. "So now cheating on your husband makes you a feminist."

"It's not the cheating. It's the hunger for an alternative. The refusal to accept unhappiness. Mada Bovary's problem wasn't that she committed adultery," Sarah declared, in a voice full of calm certainty. "It was that she committed adultery with losers. She never found a partner worthy of her heroic passion."

Ugh. Brilliant.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

New Trey Songz Photo Shoot


I absolutely love this shoot. Trey is working it! The man just oozes sexuality.