Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Flashback: God Hates Fags On Tyra Banks Show

This episode aired about a year ago and boy was there an uproar after this. Three members of the God Hates Fags group from Westboro's Baptist Church appeared on the Tyra Banks show to disgust their disgust with gays and gay enablers. They went as far as to call Ms. Banks a "fag enabler" because she "very supportive of the gay community" and God "does not like that." They talked a whole bunch of shit. Why Tyra Banks allowed them to be on the show and not really say anything to them is plain idiotic. The only thing Tyra said the entire episode that I applauded her for was her questioning them on why they protest gays and not serial killers, rapists and pedophiles. Ugh, just watch the interview.

Part 1.

Part 2.

*Breathes* I'm a young guy. My birthday is next week and I'm about to hit the twenty mark. I have a lot to learn, a lot to see and a lot to experience. But in my twenty years of living I've encountered some extremely ignorant people, seen discrimination and hate firsthand and this shit has just got to stop. We live in America, where my views and thoughts are just as welcomed as yours. But when you're trying to turn YOUR views and YOUR opinions into FACTS, and make it HARDER for people who aren't in your "circle" or for people who aren't "like you," then that's where I have a problem. The "being gay is a sin" debacle has been beaten to death and stepped on over and over again and I'm not even going to get into that right now. That being said, I do NOT believe that being gay is a sin. That's as absurd as saying that you liking a criminal, is a sin. You like who you like. You're attracted to who you're attracted to. What the fuck is the problem? But for argument's sake, let's pretend that it IS a sin, just for the hell of it.

"Let him who is without sin cast the first stone."

What does that mean? Why do a lot of bible thumpers pick and choose? Why is it that they're so against gay marriage because gays can't have children but they DON'T protest the couples who can't have children due to medical conditions? Why are serial killers, convicted felons, rapists, pedophiles all ALLOWED to marry, but gays are not? Britney Spears can have a 55 hour marriage, people can get married on TV for the hell of it but gays... no they're going to hell and die and rot and just no. What are the gays doing to you? Does the thought of two men together eat you up at night? How much do you want to bet a lot of the homophobes are CLOSET homosexuals? Who are you to decide who should love who? Why do people mention the bible with extreme quickness whenever gays are mentioned, but refuse to mention it when it's in regards to them, and they're lying, deceiving and cheating ways? Give me a fucking break. I'm so tired of the "I'm right no matter what" mentality. I'm tired of how unchristian like many religious people behave when they're trying to get their views across. Can someone explain THAT to me? Why so many religious folks turn to hatred and even violence, to prove their point? The fact that they think being gay is something you can turn OFF and ON proves their stupidity and ignorance. So what, if gays "became" str8, are you going to be their friends? Are you going to give them money? What's the point? Why are you worried about ME going to hell? Worry about your own damn problems. I don't give a fuck who you are you can't tell me SHIT about what I can or cannot do. I'm fucking gay and I'm going to keep being gay till the day I die. And I'm going to fight for my rights with the same force you're trying to take them from me. Ignorance is bliss but I'm not going to let no ignorant bastards criticize me and act like I'm some type of inferior being. Fuck outta here.

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