Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Rihanna Sounding A Hot Mess

The girl is gorgeous, she really is. And she has some of the catchiest tunes I've heard in a while. But God damn, she can't sing for shit. One can only wonder what career she would have if she was ugly. Ok, let's add this up:

She can't dance + she can't sing + she doesn't write her songs + she isn't a good performer + she's beautiful = a huge superstar.

How the FUCK is that possible? Something ain't right. With her looks and lack of musical talents you would think she'd be better of modeling (a la Cassie). Nonetheless, I can hate all day and night but bish is getting paid. She's selling records, she's winning awards and she has more top 10s at the age of 19 than anyone I can remember. Oh well.

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