Friday, February 15, 2008

Charles Barkley Slams Conservatives

Former NBA star Charles Barkley, who is not known for his timidity when it comes to discussing his political beliefs, will surely be ruffling right-wing feathers with his latest comments.

Barkley, currently an NBA commentator for the TNT network, appeared today on CNN's 'Situation Room.' When asked by host Wolf Blitzer about his views on the presidential race, Barkley said he didn't want to see the Republicans win because they were 'fake Christians.'

The comment came after Barkley was asked his reasons for supporting presidential candidate Barack Obama, rather than Hillary Clinton or any of the Republican candidates.

"I've got great respect for Sen. McCain, great respect, but I don't like the way Republicans have taken this country," said Barkley. "Every time I hear the word 'conservative,' it makes me sick to my stomach, because they're really just fake Christians, as I call them. That's all they are."

Blitzer moved on to a different question following the comment, but later followed-up at the end of his interview and asked him to elaborate on what he meant by "fake Christian."

"I think they want to be judge and jury," Barkley replied. "Like, I'm for gay marriage. It's none of my business if gay people want to get married. I'm pro-choice. And I think these Christians, first of all, they're not supposed to judge other people. But they're the most hypocritical judge of people we have in the country. And it bugs the hell out of me. They act like they're Christians. They're not forgiving at all."

Barkley also explained why he was supporting Barack Obama. "When i look at him, he represents everything that's good in the black community," Barkley said. "He's intelligent. He's articulate. You know, most of our role models are athletes or entertainers. We've got to get more black kids to be educated, carry themselves with great class and dignity. He's perfect for what we need. We've got so much black-on-black crime in this country right now. We've got a lot of kids not getting their education. That's why I'm supporting him." [x]

I'm with Barkley 100%. Of course, it's a huge generalization but fuck it I stand by it. For the most part, most "conservative Christians" are the first one pointing fingers and judging and blaming and protesting on this or that, which technically goes against everything the Bible says they should do. If anything, you'd think they'd be the most understanding of all people, even if they don't agree on a particular subject or issue but that's not the case at all. If they don't agree with you, you're going to hell, you're wrong, you should die and be banned and go fuck yourself. What kind of fucking attitude is this? smh

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