Tuesday, October 30, 2007

"Heroes" Galore; Trailers, Tidbits and More!

Next week's episode looks really good. About damn time the pace picks up. Episode is titled "Out Of Time."

What's even better is episode eight, titled "4 Months Ago." Check out these crazy spoilers from Kristin (E! Online):

Elle Is Super Kinkay: In ep 8, which flashes back four months, just wait till you see how sadistic our darling Kristen Bell can be as she gleefully zaps and zings Peter. Oh, and FYI, their lips might kinda sorta meet. And oh yeah, I might freak. I mean, Veronica and Jess lip-locking? Hello? That's the stuff of TV legends!

Maya Is Super Bad: And not in a fun Michael Cera of Superbad way—more like a Bill from Kill Bill kinda way. Just wait till you see what she did four months ago! You'll think her brother is a saint.

Nathan Is Super Lucky: You know that creeptastic burned dude Mr. Petrelli keeps seeing in the mirror? Sources confirm to me that's most definitely Nathan just a few months back, and the reason he looks so good is that (a) Adrian Pasdar is genetically blessed and (b) there's a cool new "cure" of sorts that could do a whole lotta people some good—including Nathan and, I don't know, perhaps Isaac and D.L. and Simone and Daddy Suresh, to name a few.

Kensei Is Super Old: 400 years old and he looks that good without a smidge of Botox? No fair! And he might even have picked himself up an Anglo name! You'll see very soon, and so will Peter, who gets a new bunkmate.

A Hero Is Super Dead: Sylar's gonna kill a Hero. A non-Hero's gonna kill a non-Hero. And then Sylar's gonna kill another Hero. Yeah, news flash: The guy's still ridonkulously evil. Don't let that shiny new Mylar fool you! [x]

I got more Heroes scoop for ya'll. There's a new article over at TV.com in which Tim Kring (creator) talks about the negative feedback this season and how "episodes 7 through 11 are the best episodes we've ever done."

Heroes has been on the tips of television-viewers' tongues a lot this year, but not for the same reason as last season. The superhero show was a breakout hit last year, but this season it has been the target of critics who cite disjointed storylines, too many characters, and a lack of direction for disappointing fans. Viewers have also tuned out; last week's episode rang in the worst numbers in the key 18-49 demographic ever for the series, according to Nielsen Media Research.

But there's one man who isn't fazed and thinks fans shouldn't be worried either: series creator Tim Kring. [Read more...]

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