Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Huge, Huge, Huge Heroes Spoilers!

A member of the NBC.Com "Heroes" forum has posted some spoilers for episode eleven, titled "Powerless." Though none of this is 100% accurate, it seems pretty legit. Read at your own risk. If you do not want to know what is going to happen, DO NOT READ THIS. HEAVY SPOILERS AHEAD..

*Episode 11 is titled ‘POWERLESS’

*Look for our intro of Earth spinning (during title HEROES scene) to just abruptly stop. (due to continuation of Hiro’s time freeze from the previous ep.)

*Kensei is immortal, he cannot be killed. His name will no longer be known as Kensei but ADAM MONROE. The original 12 have betrayed him in the past and Kensei/Adam will be taking revenge upon the original 12. And yes, it’s still David Anders playing the Kensei/Adam part. But gone are the samurai outfits replaced by sharp looking suits.

*Peter will be helping Kensei/Adam at Primatech to get/destroy the virus. By this point, Peter has seen the future and the devastation of the virus. He has come to this particular time/place with Adam to destroy the virus. He knows it will kill pretty much everybody. What he doesnt know is Adam’s true intention for the virus.

When asked by Hiro why he’s helping Adam, Peter claims that Adam is his friend. And also mentions that Adam saved Nathan’s life. Hiro will try to convince Peter that he was betrayed by Adam 400 yrs ago and that he will betray Peter also. Hiro is also trying to avenge his father’s death since Adam’s the one who killed him, along with the other older generations. Peter will argue back letting Hiro know that Kaito’s the one who had Adam locked away for 30 yrs. He will mention that he was also in the same prison. Peter clearly states that he does not want to hurt Hiro.

The showdown at Primatech will mainly be between Hiro and Peter since Adam will be frozen in time. They are also not alone in this room, there are Primatech employees who’ll be frozen in time during this. The swings Hiro throws will be blocked by Peter telekinetically.

When Hiro has the sword to Peter’s throat, Peter will shock his sword with electricity knocking him out. Adam will shortly ‘reclaim’ his sword coming out of being frozen.

*Matt will ‘fly.’ Ofcourse with the help of Nathan to Primatech. Keep your ears perked up for a hilarious comment Matt makes once they land.

Matt will inquire to Nathan about just how dangerous Peter is. (comparing him to the Kirby Plaza incident.) Nathan informs Matt that he himself hasn’t seen Peter since that night. Matt is trying to explain to Nathan that Angela gave him instructions on how to kill her own son Peter. IF NEED BE!!! Nathan won’t hear any of it and basically tells Matt that he will handle Peter if he’s a problem. Hiro will join in with Nathan and Matt.

*Peter is opening the vaults, straining himself, even bleeding from his nose in trying. He will instruct Adam to get the virus. Its at this point Hiro will attempt once again to stop Adam, Peter. But Peter’s belief within Adam is so strong he will stop Hiro.

Matt will join in and tells Peter (mentally) to let go of Hiro and go after Adam instead. Peter seems to follow his direction but he will resist (mentally) to Matt.

*Nathan will release Angela from jail. Angela will be pretty much the only one left out of all her ‘friends’/original 12. The latest victim being Victoria Pratt. Matt will be the one who’ll find Victoria’s body in Maine along with the photo with the ‘death mark’ across her face. Angela explains to Nathan and Matt that it’s done and over with, Adam is wanting revenge and she feels defeated and its over. It’s at this point Nathan will explain to Angela that Peter is still alive.

*Hiro will take his defeat in shame back to Japan where Ando is. He will have failed his father and let the virus get out.

We’ll also find out the fate of Adam. He’ll be buried alive next to Kaito’s grave in a metal coffin also reinforced with a concrete casket. Look for our favorite rodent, the infamous cockroach, to make his little cameo.

*Look for Nathan to give an ‘unoffical’ speech addressing the world regarding the virus outbreak that happens in Odessa, TX. Nathan clearly states to the persistent reporter to find someone who’s in charge, not him. He will NOT want to give this speech and only does so when he is pushed by a reporter named Bruce Evans. All the reporters will be broadcasting his speech from the police station in Odessa, TX. This reluctant speech will be broadcasted throughout the world and be viewed by our heroes.

In his speech, he’s mentioning how brave the people in this town have been by locking themselves in for the safety of the rest of the world. It’ll be quite inspirational and uplifting. Also, you’ll see why the ep. title is called POWERLESS through Nathan here.

Viewing this, we’ll see Molly is with Suresh at Isacc’s Loft also with Maya and Elle. Also viewing this at her home is Claire, and she’ll be relieved to see Peter on screen with Nathan and will find out he is indeed still alive.

*Look for Nathan on becoming sick. How sick, how severe, or how minor, not giving out that info. (after his speech)

*Someone named HYPE will bring down the restaurant with Monica in it. He will set a fire to this building. Ultimately, Niki will sacrifice herself for Monica.

Yes, it’s Niki dying in the fire.

*Elle will be the one to bring down Sylar this season and emerge as the ‘Hero.’ [x]

I really wish I hadn't read these spoilers but I can't help myself sometimes. A lot of this really makes sense and confirms a lot of speculation (Nikki getting killed off). I guess Tim Kring wasn't lying when he said episode "7 through 11 are the best episodes we've ever done." This shit sounds fucking intense.

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