Wednesday, March 12, 2008

"Gays Are Worse Than Terrorists"

You know what's fucked up? The fact that this is coming from a State Representative. This isn't coming from some random, uneducated person. We're talking about a fucking State Rep. right here. At the same time, I can't say that I'm shocked. I've heard similar comments made by presidents. What else is new? Ignorance is alive and well and unfortunately for us, it isn't going anywhere. I hate how Gays are viewed as a disease; as something that you should get rid off. I'm so tired of these religious politicians telling us that we're going to hell and that our pure existence, is a sin. This chick had the nerve to say that "Gays are worse than terrorists." Wow, I guess anything is better than two men kissing, even innocent people getting killed by suicide bombers or gunshot wounds. Gays are horrible. We should just get rid of them all. Our society would be a much better place without them; less crimes, less suicides and of course, less diseases. *rolls eyes* Well I'm sorry babe, but we ain't going anywhere. As a proud gay man, it bothers me that you would go out of your way to discriminate against us but yet, you do it in secrecy, as if you're afraid you'll be heard. If you really had balls you would've made that comment on national television or on broadcast radio. If you're going to hate, hate loud and proud. Just be ready for the consequences. Ignorance at its fucking best.

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