Thursday, March 13, 2008

Britney Spears "Break The Ice" Video

I didn't really get into Britney Spears' music up until this last album. I think Blackout is one hell of a pop album. That being said, it's unfortunate to see what I think is Britney's best work go to waste with cheap videos, wrong single choices and bad promotion. The girl used to sell a million plus in her first week. This album has been out for a couple of months and she's YET to crack the one million mark. Obviously this isn't the same Britney that had completely domination over the pop world a couple of years ago.

The video is corny and cheap. What a waste. I was actually intrigued when I heard it would be an anime video, but this is just a huge disappointment. Then again, what else can you expect after that horrible Gimme More video and that atrocious VMA performance? Ahh..Britney, I wonder if we'll ever see the old you again.

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