Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Cheating On The One You Love?

I've heard close friends say, "Oh, I cheated on him. But I love him. It was a mistake." I've heard other say, "If you cheat on the one you love, then you don't really love them." I for one believe that if the love you and your woman/man have is strong, you won't cheat on them. A person with morals, values and character, won't cheat. That being said, most people don't have any of that; most folks are selfish mutherfuckers. Thus, most folks would cheat on the one(s) they love. It happens every day. Married couples, 10 year relationships, high school sweet hearts; all go down the drain over a quick 2 minute fuck in the alley or in the cheap hotel room. I don't know what the excuse is. Why are so many people cheating? Infidelity has become almost acceptable, in a way. The more women men have, the better they look. Yet, if you're in love with someone, why would you allow yourself to give into the temptations? Remember, there's someone who's in love with you too. Why be so damn selfish? Can you imagine your man/woman cheating on you and you finding out and then hearing them tell you to your face, "Baby, I'm still in love with you." Get the fuck out of here with that shit. I think that if you're in a relationship, if you have character and if you value who you are and who you're with, you will not cheat.


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