Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Kelly Rowland "Comeback" Video

Definitely my favorite Kelly Rowland video thus far; still on the cheap side though. I like the song, surprisingly so. This should've been a single at some point. I'm feeling the video. *watches it again*

Kelly Rowland released a decent second album. It wasn't great but it wasn't bad either. Unfortunately, she fucked everything up this time around (well, I guess you can blame her label as well). Without further ado, here is my list of 10 Ways Kelly Rowland Got Fucked (Over):

1. They took FOREVER to drop the second single.
2. Her second single should NOT have been "Ghetto."
3. The "Ghetto" video was horrible. Scratch that, all her videos have been either horrible or cheap. Pick one.
4. They took FOREVER to drop a third single.
5. "Daylight" was a nice song but not single material.
6. She fucked up her re-release by releasing it digitally and not promoting it. Then again, from what I heard, her digital re-release sold less than 1,000 copies so maybe she was better of not re-releasing shit.
7. "Work" and "Still In Love With My Ex" should've been singles. "Work" has been a HUGE hit for her overseas.
8. No promotion, whatsoever.
9. How is it that Beyonce and Kelly can work with the same hit producers (Scott Storch, Rich Harrison) yet Beyonce's songs go #1 and Kelly can barely get into the top 100?
10. The girl can sing. She's beautiful; shit she has a new pair of boobs. But the girl has no passion or motivation. I've seen artists with less vocal talent, uglier and with crappier songs go top #10 and sell millions of records.

Oh well. I guess this video is like a gift to the fans or something because I doubt this is going to be released as a single at this point.

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