Saturday, April 26, 2008

Maybe I'm Just A Petty, Catty Little Bitch

Bare with me here.

So me and this guy have been going out for two months.

Everything started off OK and slowly went downhill from there. What's the problem? The problem is that I'm pretty emotional, moody and needy and he is the same way BUT he DOESN'T show it. What does that mean? It means that if he doesn't like something I do, he will NEVER tell me. If he's mad at me... 9 times out of 10 I don't know why he's mad because he doesn't want to talk about it. And when it comes to being affectionate... he doesn't like it. So there's no "I miss you's" or "Can't wait to see you's" or anything of that sort, anything where it would make HIM seem vulnerable. I, on the underhand, don't have a problem being open with the person I'm in a relationship with... but one can only give so much before you start to get tired of not recieving the same love back. :-/ Another thing that pisses me off is the fact that my two best friends, have become really close with him. They didn't know eachother prior to me introducing them to him... but I'm beginning to feel as if they're smack in the middle of our relationship. Can you believe that two weeks ago, they made plans to have this cookout and I wasn't invited until they were making the food... because each of them had assumed that I already knew? Ugh, no.

So, last night, I got invited to this party. My man had to study for this HUGE test so I didn't go over his apt and I just stayed home. After I got out of work at around 11, I was about to get ready to go to the party when he called to see what I was up to. He told me he hadn't even studied all day (which was the reason I didn't bother to go see him, so he would study). To make a long story short, we were on the phone for two hours and I didn't go to the party. I decided to stay in.

So, TODAY... the PLAN was that we were going to rent some movies and just chill out tonight. Tell me why he texts me telling me that he's going to a party and he wants to know that I'm not going to be mad. I can't go because it's invitations only. I told him he can go to the party and to have fun. I told him I was going to going to visit my parent's house 2 hours away (which is a lie) and crash over there till Monday night. That obviously irked him and he noticed that I was irked, though I acted like I didn't care. He texts me back saying that "maybe I should stay, I don't want you to be mad at me." I responded, "No babe, go party. Trust me, I'm a party tonight as well. Ttyl! ;)" You what the fucked up part is? It just so happens that my best friend(s) went to school with the person throwing this party (which is like 45 minutes away) and they're also going. So my ass is stuck all by myself tonight. Ain't that a bitch.

Should I be mad? Obviously I'm annoyed. Ticked off. Kind of bothered. But do I have a reason to be? I mean, he did break off our plans. Any comments, suggestions, advice... based on what I've justed told you? Ugh, sorry for the long ass vent.

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