Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Prop 8

It is a sad day for us homosexuals in America. In the midst of having our first ever African American president, we were informed yesterday that the same-sex marriage ban, other wise known as Prop 8, has passed in Florida, Arkansas and Arizona. Even more depressing is the fact that California, a state where gay marriages are were legal, also approved the proposition (with about 52% of the votes) which means that gay marriages will no longer be allowed in the state.

Strategist Jeff Flint had this to say about the outcome:
"I think the voters were thinking, well, if it makes them happy, why shouldn't we let gay couples get married. And I think we made them realize that there are broader implications to society and particularly the children when you make that fundamental change that's at the core of how society is organized, which is marriage."

What the fuck are you celebrating? Gays can't marry now so you're life is so much better?

Proposition 8 calls for the restriction of marriage to "one man and one woman," and unfortunately for us, that means we're restricted. =/ In all honesty, I just can't grasp the concept; why does it bother people so much? Why does it bother them to the point where they have to protest and come up with propositions to TAKE AWAY OUR RIGHTS? Why? Why are you not worried about the criminals, the rapists or the child molesters, if you're really worried about "children" and family unity? Why is the bible used to justify discrimination against a selective few? Why, in a country as diverse as ours, with so many religious backgrounds, does ONE religion conquer all? What ever happened to freedom of religion? Separation of church & state? Equality? How is ignorance so vehemently prevalent in this country? This seriously sucks. I'm so saddened. I need a drink. Seriously.

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